Chance me pls

<p>hello everybody</p>

<p>i am a certified idiot. but that doesn't preclude my chances of getting into a top class university lol !!!111!1one!!1</p>

<p>now here is my resume for y'all to ponder and discuss intensely</p>

<p>first as mentioned before i am a certified idiot. that is an exclusive title bestowed on only a few individuals. therefore i am unique. that is my hook u college confidential n00bs </p>

<p>^excuse my schizophrenic self</p>

<p>second i have much good sat score lol. here is my score lolol</p>

<p>math: 666
reading 420
writing 801</p>

<p>lol i am much smart lol</p>

<p>now lets get down to business </p>

<p>for my extracurriculars:</p>

<p>i am an NBA world champion ball boy for the San Antonio Spurs
i solved the Riemann Hypothesis in 30 minutes
Anderson Cooper calls me for news
i almost went to prison for like 500 days
i flex 5 armed robberies
furthermore, i am getting an recommendation from my good friend Mr. Dick Cheney he will surely get me into a good college lol cuz obviously no one hates his ass</p>



<p>ur coughing in my private space</p>

<p>360 noscope on u fools</p>

<p>That’s not up to CC standards, expect 2600+ on SAT for ivies</p>