Chance Me Plz

<p>UC GPA: 4.00
class rank - 59/428 =’(</p>

<p>very competitive high school (because of the IB program)</p>

<p>ACT composite: 35
english - 35
math - 35
reading - 32
science 36</p>

<p>(english/writing - 31) I got an 8 on the essay =’(</p>

math IIc - 800
physics - 780
chemistry - 750</p>

<p>national merit commended</p>

<p>Middle Years Program Diploma (9th-10th) w/ completion of Personal Project
Expecting to graduate with Full IB Diploma (11th - 12th)</p>

<p>IB tests: (out of 7)
IB math 2 SL - 6
IB economics SL - 6
IB Spanish SL - pending
IB History HL - pending
IB Biology HL - pending
IB English HL - pending</p>

<p>12th grade schedule: (hardest possible schedule, except math which has one level above it)
AP Calculus
IB English 2
IB Theory of Knowledge
IB Global Studies (history) HL
IB Spanish 2 SL
IB Biology 2</p>


<p>Certificate of Merit - Piano - lvl. 5
6 years experience in mallet instruments
National History Day (1 year) - regional finalist, state finals competitor
Quiz Bowl B Team - two years
Science Bowl C team captain - 1 year (going at it again this year, hope to make B team)
Science Olympiad B team member - 1 year (going at it again this year)
Member of National Forensics League (debate) - 2 years
won 1st place novice public forum debate at Yuba City HS Tournament
Quiz Bowl Officer: Tournament Chair 1 year (going at it again this year)
Model United Nations Officer: Treasurer (1 year)
Co-founder of UTSAV Youth Group
President of UTSAV Youth Group
Internship with UC Davis medical center Pathology dept. 100+ hours</p>

<p>Community Service:</p>

<p>approximately 230 hours comm. service
FLASH program - (2 years) mentoring/tutoring elementary/middle school kids
Library community service - (4 years) book shelving; upgrading children’s books record-keeping system on FPL library catalog; Summer Reading Program volunteer</p>

<p>UTSAV Youth Group (2 years) - organized coat drive for a local women’s/children’s shelter; organized Spring Clean-Up event for local park; organized fundraiser for same shelter listed above; organized cooking event for said shelter, currently organizing Christmas toy drive</p>

<p>UC Berkeley - Electrical Engineering
UC San Diego - biology (primary major); electrical engineering (secondary major) <— please chance me for both!!!
UC Los Angeles - Biology
UC Davis - Biology
UC Irvine - Behavioral Neuroscience
UC Merced - Biology
UC Riverside - Biology</p>

<p>It would be better if you had a higher weighted GPA and were classified ELC, but the test scores definitely look good. I think that you’re very safe at everything other than Berkeley, LA, and San Diego, and I think that you’re quite likely in at those three, too. If you really want engineering at SD, you might consider putting it as your primary choice because I think they’ll have even less of an issue giving you Bio than giving you engineering.</p>

<p>all right, thanks for input!</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>