Chance me: Princeton

<p>I am a sophomore @ a public high school. Academics aren't huge @ my school, but we are pretty much the highest ranked public school in our area.</p>

<p>I am in Advanced English and on track in every other subject. I will be starting my AP classes with AP US Gov't & History online next semester. All in all, I plan on taking 10 AP courses in my High School career. I have a passion for international affairs, and plan to pursue a career as a foreign officer.</p>

<p>Current Involvements:
-Varsity Cross Country and Track
-Ski Team
-Future Problem Solvers
-Pay It Forward Club Garden Chairperson
-21st Century Scholars Program (.25 credits earned so far - plan to earn .50 credits by end of year
-Purple Sage (school newspaper) Reporter
-Student Council
-Green Team Student Representative</p>

<p>The reason I am so interested in Princeton is the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Please offer any suggestions and let me know of my chances. Although I feel I would really love Princeton, I would need a TON of financial aid.</p>

<p>Also - I haven’t taken SAT/ACTs yet. I did just get my PSAT results back and I got a 190. I don’t think thats very good (?) so I will definitely be working towards an improvement</p>

<p>It’s good to see another aspiring Princetonian/FSO on CC. </p>

<p>Still, you need to realize that as a sophomore without any scores and with projected grades and ECs, no one can accurately chance you. A lot could change before your senior year. Come back in a year or two and we can chance you with more accuracy. For now, just keep up your grades and try to get a 2250+ on your SAT. Learn languages/participate in clubs related to your interests and get leadership positions.</p>