<p>Hey guys. Curious what you think of my stats. Hopkins is a reach but I'm curious to see how bad my odds are.</p>
<p>Bio major.
UW GPA: 3.7+, 4.0 senior year
W: 4.2 ish (high senior W GPA that hasn't been factored in yet...)</p>
<p>SAT: 710CR 700M 760W
SATII: 700 Bio 700 Physics
7 APs in total. Honors everywhere else, save a few where it wasn't offered.</p>
<p>ECs: Not a ton of different things but major time commitments (year round sport, nat'l awards. No recruitment though). I'm also a section leader in band.</p>
<p>Essays: Nothing spectacular. Common app essay is my best. I sort of just... answered the question for the supplement essays.
Recs: Solid. </p>
<p>I'll chance you back. If you want.</p>