Chance Me - Rising senior

UW: 3.3

W GPA: 3.5

Dual enrollment community college GPA: 3.5

Course rigor: 6 APs, 3 honors, 3 community college classes

SAT: I won’t be submitting any score to my test-optional schools unless I score above a 1500 in august as my current score is pretty low


  • summer science internship program w/ 9% acceptance rate
  • summer research intern at a clinical lab where I conducted DNA and enzyme research alongside a mentor
  • science fairs, online science competitions both at the global and national level (won a small award for a global contest)
  • team leader for biology contest that I participated in with a group of students
  • founded an ocean preservation nonprofit my sophomore year and I have been running it ever since
  • co-founder and secretary of a club at my high school aiming to de-stigmatize mental health
  • band for 3 years
  • speech and debate for 3 years and am currently a captain
    -track and field for 3 yrs
  • was part of a hepatitis b organization for two years

Intended major? In state or out?

intended major is molecular bio and out of state

I think for a stem major from out of state it’s going to be a reach.

GPA could make Out of state a challenge. College of Science new students averaged 3.74 in Fall 2019, last available.

I wouldn’t put the SAT bar that high. 2019 average was 1381. It climbed 50 points over 2 years, but I’d certainly submit anything over 1420, maybe down to 1400.

do you guys know average hs gpas per major? i cant seem to find it

The college of engineering has stats:

Not sure about the other colleges.

Data by college can be obtained from the Data Digest, New First Time Beginner Profile.

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