Chance me UCLA + other schools

Demographics: Asian Female, California, Middle Class, Bay Area Competitive High School

Intended major(s): PsychoBiology (if offered at university)/Cognitive Science/ Biology
Academics: * ACT: 27 Comp, 9 writing (retaking; plan on getting 32+)
SAT II: Math II: 780 Chem: 650 (retaking)
Class rank: top 15%-20%
(top 9% in California)
UW/W cumulative GPA: 3.78/3.98
UC GPA: 3.9 (messed up badly 1st semester of sophomore year because of health problems, but gpa is in improvement upward looking trend)

Coursework: 8 APs:
AP Chinese - (A both semesters)
AP Chemistry - (B 1st semester then A 2nd)
AP Calc BC - (B 1st semester then A 2nd)
AP Lang + Comp - (A both semesters)
Currently/Senior yr: AP Lit, AP Gov, AP Stats, AP Bio

AP Scholar w/ Distinction
Varsity Tennis Athletics Award
Principal’s Honor list (since freshman year)
Gold Presidential Award

Interact Club (4yrs) - President, Treasurer
Interact District (4yrs) - Lieutenant Governor, Treasurer, Head Area Rep
Jefferson Awards Club (4yrs) - President, Treasurer
Varsity Tennis (4yrs) - undefeated player + team for 2 yrs
STEM club (3yrs) - PR
UC COSMOS at UCSD (2016)
Journalism (2yrs) - Web Manager, Illustrator
Volunteer teacher at local Art School (5yrs)
CSF (3yrs) - general member
Stanford CNI-X program (2017) - capstone project in development; working with stanford doctors
Performance team (4yrs)
School Musical (2 yrs) - 1st flute Pit player

Letter of Rec: (close relationship with these ppl)
Calc BC teacher
IR teacher
School Principal or Stanford Doctor
(plan on writing really good essays)

UCs (except merced; UCLA = dream school)
ones that matter: UCLA, UCB, UCSD, UCSB, UCD
Cal Poly Pomona
Brown (legacy)

Your GPA will make admission a challenge at all UCs except UCR and UCM . You’ll be boarderline at UCSC and the rest unlikely, - i should add that there’s a LOT of subjectivity to UC admissions. It is not uncommon for someone to be rejected by UCR and accepted by UCB in the same application cycle. You should apply to them all, just understand your odds.

I think you’ll get into all 3 of the CSUs you mention - since they share an application you might toss one at CPSLO and CUSLB as well.

Good luck

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

UCSD: High Match-Low Reach
UCD/UCI/UCSB: Match-High Match
UCSC: Low Match-Match
UCR/UCM: Safety

SJSU/Cal Poly Pomona: Safety
SDSU: Match

UC’s are very GPA focused and test scores are below average. You have good EC’s, so if you can bump up your test scores (ACT), you will be in a better position for UCI/UCSB and UCD.
SLO is worth an application but their acceptance rate hovers around 14% for Biology and they are overenrolled this year, so they may take less Freshman next year.

Since UC’s are unpredictable, it is always good to apply to your reaches but make sure you will be happy attending any of the other schools on your list.

Best of luck.

I recalculated my UC GPA and its actually a 4.2W

Capped weighted or Fully weighted?

So I messed up again, I’m still in the same category for 3.80-4.19, but weighted capped is 4.04 and weighted uncapped is 4.08.

So the stats I posted above ^^ are still applicable to your UC GPA (capped weighted) which are averages and can vary from major to major, but it least gives you a ball park.

The UC’s should be publishing their Freshman profile data for 2017 next month so that might give you a better indication of your chances. Really work on your essays and apply widely so you have some good choices come Spring.

kk. Thank you so much! you’re feedback is greatly appreciated lol