Please chance me for UCLA

in state, asian, female
weighted GPA 4.3
unweighted GPA 4.0
weighted 10-12 GPA 4.5
SAT 1510 (780 on math, 730 on writing/reading, 19 on essay), no subject tests
AP tests: 3 on ap euro, 3 on apush, 4 on ap bio
12th grade courses: AP calc AB, AP gov, leadership, ceramics, honors medical interventions, iquest (internship class), econ
extracurriculars: internship at dermatologist office, lots of volunteer work, leadership, senior class secretary, club officer

admitted: UCR bio (invited to apply for honors), UCD bio (accepted into honors program, given regents scholarship $30k), UCSB pre-bio (invited to chancellors reception), Cal Poly slo bio, SDSU bio, USD, USF
waitlisted: UCSC
waiting on: UCLA, UCSD, UCI, UCB, USC
applied biology (or some variation) for most schools, physiological science for UCLA

You are definitely a competitive applicant and have some great options so far but as you can see with the UC’s they tend to be unpredictable and stats alone do not guarantee a spot.

Best of luck.

i agree - you look like a competitive applicant for all of them.
good luck