Chance me for UCLA, UCB, and the others UCs

I’m currently a Junior

Race/Ethnicity: Asian
Born: America
Resident of CA?: Yes
Legacy at UC?: No

Current Unweighted GPA: 3.6
Current Weighted GPA: 3.9 ~ ish maybe more
SAT: 1460 (800 math) (660 english part thingie) (Going to retake in March)
Subject tests: MathII (800) Chemistry (800)
Honors classes taken:Grade 1st sem/2nd Sem
Geometry H: B/A (I was dumb)
Biology H: C/B (I was dumb)
Trigonometry/Algebra 2H: A/A
Chemistry H: A/A
Precalc H: A
Literature H: C (Suck at english, don’t know why I took the honors one)
Physics H: A

AP Classes taken:Grade 1stsem/2nd Sem
AP Chinese: A/A
AP Statistics: A
AP Chemistry: B (Did pretty bad on labs, tests I did good, so I got a B).

Senior classes: AP BC Calculus, AP Physics C, AP Macroeconomics, AP Psychology, (Maybe AP computer science), and some literature class

As you can see I have an upward trend since freshman (started with b’s and c’s in core classes now I’m one of the top in my math/science lane)

Unfortunately my English has been my major weakness throughout my life, regardless of how much I try

Varsity Badminton Player for 3 Years
I helped around in a library for a few weeks organizing and sorting a LOT of books
Used to do track (had a 57 second 400, 2:20 800 and a 5:40 1600).
I ran my first 5k last year and got 50th place overall and 3rd place in my age division with a time of 21 minutes.
When I was a sophomore, my teacher asked me to participate in a math competition, and I got 7th place in Algebra 2 out of a bunch of smart bay area people.
I’m also a chess player (haven’t played seriously for a while because of school)

I don’t have as many EC’s as many do in the usually CC discussions, but (in my opinion) I prioritize my grades over EC’s (not to offend anyone this is just how I feel).

Many of my Junior teachers are willing to write letters of rec, so I think I’m good on that part.

Basically, with these stats, what are my chances at getting into UCLA or UCB (or other UCs)?
If I don’t have a good chance, can you guys recommend me any other good colleges?

If there is anything missing that I should include, please let me know.

Haha, I definitely have the opposite problem that you do. Your UW GPA & SAT are currently low for top schools. Was there a specific problem when taking the English section of the SAT (i.e. time) or do you just dislike reading comprehension/grammar sections? If it’s the latter, it may be more difficult for you to improve.

I’d say that most of the UCs are going to be acceptances for you. Berkeley can go either way, though I’m thinking more of a reject. UCLA I’d say 50-50 also, but more favorable. The rest are likely acceptances.

Best of luck! :slight_smile: Chance me back?

At the end of Junior year, calculate out your UC GPA:

UC’s only use 10-11th grades for the a-g courses taken. You get extra honors points for UC approved Honors, AP/IB or DE courses. Here is a link so you can look up which of your HS courses count for the extra honors points.

Post UW UC GPA, Capped Weighted UC GPA and Fully Weighted UC GPA.

UC’s do not consider race/ethnicity or legacy.

You have very competitive test scores, but UC’s are very GPA focused. Much will depend upon your UC GPA, essays, HS course rigor and intended major.

Just to give you an idea of admit rates based on UC GPA:

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79:

UCB: 2%
UCLA: 3%
UCSD: 6%
UCD: 11%
UCSB: 13%
UCI: 16%
UCSC: 47%
UCR: 64%
UCM: 80%

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 12%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 39%
UCSB: 49%
UCD: 52%
UCI: 57%
UCSC: 83%
UCR: 90%
UCM: 92%

Keep working hard and good luck. Make sure the you have 1-2 solid safety schools on your list.

I never found reading to be one of my strongsuits, thus I do not do well in English related classes. My english portion of the SAT has been improving for the past 2 years. (Math 800 and English 550) to (Math 800 and English 660).
Thanks for the info, really appreciate it. Wow it looks like some of my classes aren’t counted as Honors. Oh well.
Thanks for complementing on my scores. I’ll make sure to post my gpas and stuff after junior year.

Another question, do you think my test scores will compensate for my low GPA, I have a positive upward trend and I have good scores. And I’m in the bay area (hard classes).