Chance me UCs and Stanford

<p>Hispanic Male, California Resident
GPA: 3.95 unweighted, 4.15 weighted
AP bio, AP Lit, AP calc AB, all in senior year.
2130 SAT, 790 cr, 690 math, 650 writing
31 ACT
SUbject Tests: 770 molecular bio, 720 math II, 700 USH
10th, 11th and 12th, 5 honors classes total(2 UC-approved)
Applying to UCB nuclear engineering and UCD, UCLA, UCSD, UCD, UCSB, and Stanford, Mechanical engineering.</p>

<p>ECs: Wetlands restoration 21 hrs per year in 10th, 11th, 12th, meals on wheels 25 hours summer of 11th, national merit commended, 3 course-related academic awards</p>

<p>Since you’re in-state and have decent scores on both SAT and ACT, I’d say you have a good chance.</p>

<p>UCB - high match
UCD - match
UCLA - high match
UCSD - in
UCSB - in
Stanford - reach/low reach</p>

<p>While you’re at it, mind chancing me? :slight_smile: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>bump heh :P</p>

<p>ucb- high match
ucd- match
ucla - high match
ucsd - match
ucsb- match
stanford - low reach
chance me back!</p>

<p>only 3 APs? I have about same stats and i took 8 APs</p>

<p>I’d think Stanford would be a reach/high reach because you’re only taking 3 APs, but otherwise I agree with the other posters.</p>