Chance me: UGA Morehead Honors College

**US domestic *(US citizen or permanent resident)**or international student: US Citizen

  • State/Location of residency: (state is important if you apply to any state universities)
  • Type of high school (current college for transfers): Public 9-12
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity (optional): F, Asian
  • Other special factors (first generation to college, legacy, athlete, etc.):

Intended Major(s) Biology

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 4.0
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): my high school doesn’t do weighted GPA but websites have said like 4.3
  • College GPA (for transfers):
  • Class Rank: high school doesn’t do rank
  • ACT/SAT Scores: ACT 34(superscored), SAT 1400(not superscored)

(AP/IB/Dual Enrollment classes, AP/IB scores for high school; also include level of math and foreign language reached and any unusual academic electives; for transfers, describe your college courses and preparation for your intended major(s))
AP Psych - 5
AP Lang. - 4
AP Bio - 3
I’ve taken AP Calc AB and AP Chem but got 2s but idk if I should include that in my application

(Include leadership, summer activities, competitions, volunteering, and work experience)
FBLA, DECA, Band, Creative writing club, Academic decathlon, Volunteer peer tutor, NHS, Summer Coding Camp, Young Georgia Author’s comp. school winner, Photography comp. regional winner, Georgia Governor’s Honors Program Semifinalist

(Optionally, guess how strong these are and include any other relevant information or circumstances.)
LORs are extremely strong, personal essays are good but not too interesting bc my life is kinda boring

I got accepted into UGA itself during Early Action but not the Honors College, so I am reapplying to the Honors

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You have a chance - my daughter had a 32 ACT and got in after not being admitted initially… You have solid ECs, a strong UW GPA. Not sure how your rigor will be seen.

So will you get in? I don’t know - but if you don’t try, you definitely won’t get in.

Good luck.

I guess you are competing with my daughter- sorry. I hope you both get in, but it’s far from guaranteed. It seems like the stats there have gone through the roof- it’s a pretty elite group. from their website:

For the 2022-2023 first-year class, we had 559 incoming students with an average GPA of 4.3, an average SAT of 1503, and an average ACT of 33.9

I don’t think decisions get released until UGA sends out their RD decisions in March, so we have a long wait.

The question with all honors colleges is how much does it impact your decision and the 4 year experience at the college? It’s unlikely employers or grad schools will care. And you don’t want to have to always be saying, “I go to Univ of X- but I’m in the honors college, so…”

What is your UGA GPA? What are your English and Math ACTs? Those are what they will look at. Your UGA GPA will almost certainly be lower than your school GPA as they do not weigh honors classes. My sophomore son was not admitted. ACT 35 (35 Math, 35 English), 4.1 UGA GPA. My current senior was auto admitted- 4.37 UGA GPA 34 ACT (34 Math 35 English). Both got in EA.

Typically the kids that get into the UGA Honors College are above the 75th percentile UGA GPA and test scores, which this year would be above a 4.35. As the applicant pool has become more competitive, so has honors college admission. What was true three or four years ago likely doesn’t hold true now.

Definitely apply if you are interested, but it is very competitive. The biggest benefit in my opinion is priority registration, which is very valuable. In our experience some weed out classes are also easier in honors by quite a bit – example accounting. If you don’t get in in February and decide you want to apply, you can do well your first semester and apply then.

yeah, I think it’s the GPA calculation that hurts a lot of kids that don’t have a lot of AP grades. My daughter has all A’s but didn’t take any AP’s until junior year, which is typical at her school. Junior year she took 3, and as a senior she has 3 more now but without grades yet. Without that AP boost to the GPA, it’s tough (impossible?) to get that UGA calculated GPA up to that 4.3 range. Compare this to kids who have like 11 or 12 AP classes…

Yet she got into the school so they were able to evaluate that. Honors is the top of the top. You never know how they will see her but that she was admitted and not deferred is a positive.

Definitely true. Our school has actually increased the number of APs offered in part because of the emphasis provided by UGA. My sophomore UGA son like your daughter took six total, two through junior year. My senior son is taking 11 total, and completed six by the end of his junior year.

I do find it frustrating that the majority of honors college selections are based on high school grades, versus performance at college where everybody is on the same playing field, but I guess that’s true of most honors colleges. My sophomore son would’ve applied after his first semester but did not have enough graded hours as one of his hours (PE) was pass fail. He didn’t realize that mattered - so read the fine print . The biggest difference for him has been in business classes, where the honors classes are smaller and have stronger professors by a huge margin (based on rate your professors).

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does anyone know when the UGA honors college decisions will be released, for those who did not get auto-admission into Honors back in October but were accepted EA?

looks like these decisions just came out…
that’s good. she needed a win after a tough week of rejections and waitlists.

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Just apply and see what happens. Good luck!

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