Chance Me-University of Miami RD

Hey Guys,
I’m applying RD to the U with around a 3.3 GPA, I took 2 APs my senior year and 5 Honors Courses(1 senior year, 3 junior year 1 soph year) and one online math course I took the summer going into sophomore year so I could get ahead in math. I have a 1130 on SAT but I believe my first semester senior year GPA will be a 3.6. I have a ton of ECs with leadership roles, clubs, etc(I am also first gen). I applied to the school of communication which I hope is easier to get into than the school of business or engineering. I also go to a private boarding/day school where I go to class 6 days a week. I know my chances of getting in are slim, but I wanted to see what you guys had to say. Thanks!

Your SAT is really going to hurt you. Try and retake it.