Chance Me | University of Virginia [VA resident, 3.83, 1520]

This excellent post highlights the key reasons no one here can really chance you : (OP) you are compared to your school, in both course rigor and rank. 4.37 weighted is around the middle of the pack at some schools in Virginia, and at others it could be top 5%. Without knowing what is considered top or close to top rigor at your HS, it is difficult to tell how you stack up. Also, the Foreign Language thing is a bit of a concern based on what UVa wants. UVA’s deanJ is very transparent about what they seek. Make sure your senior year really is the most rigorous you can take, and apply ED.

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What does your counselor say about your chances at UVA? They may know best given there are likely many applicants from your school every year.

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If you love UVA, McIntire admission will not make or break your future opportunities. There is great placement in finance from Econ as well as Stats and even Enginerring.
My daughter graduated from UVA last month and was not admitted to McIntire for Comm. She minored in Entrepreneurship in McIntire and was an Econ major. She is starting work a Capital One making over $100k with other McIntire majors in the same exact job. In fact she has McIntire friends who applied and didn’t get the job.
Her roommate (also not a McIntire grad) is working at Deloitte.
I get the cache of graduating from McIntire but getting in is more of a crapshoot than people realize. So if you look at it as a make or break then definitely go elsewhere because there is no admission guarantee. But realize it’s probably not as important as you think (coupled with the fact that it’s $11,000/year more in tuition)


Do we know that finance is the desired track?

I may have missed. I asked the discipline desired but don’t recall seeing.

Finance was once mentioned but in regards to cost of school.

From NoVa, UVA will be a reach even ED with your resume. There are a lot of highly competitive applicants from your area. So you need to spend some time coming up with targets and safeties you would like to attend.


Finance in broad way more like business exclusive of marketing or accounting. Pretty particular for someone who referred to it as “Macintosh”

Ha ha - that’s funny.

I had to look up what you were talking about. I wasn’t sure if you were referencing me or someone else.

That’s the phone changing the word.

I often have to go back and review but clearly I missed on there. The phone changes words all the time.

McIntire. Sorry. I had it right in #15 an #17 :slight_smile:

But yes, we don’t know the students interest - is all I’m getting at. I see he mentioned finance - but that was more in regards to tuition cost. If he mentioned a focus area, I missed it.

Good to know this, I was just actually thinking that McIntire would make or break my future but your example is excellent to keep in mind.

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As already mentioned upthread, UVA really emphasizes that it would like students to have four years of foreign language. I’m actually a bit surprised that guidance counselors don’t make kids aware of this. In any case, you have multiple other excellent in state options as back ups. I believe VaTech takes most of its admits at the EA stage so you should take that into consideration as well.


No school or program will make or break anyone’s future.

Only a student can make or break their future.

You can go to the best of schools - and flop or the least prestigious and become a multi gazillionaire. You need grit, hustle, etc. You, not the school, will ultimately make your long term success.

Where @Cavitee and I might disagree a bit is - if you want to be at UVA no matter what and if that means studying Econ, Poli Sci, Anthro - or whatever - then yes, you can get to anywhere from UVA.

If you want to study business - which is a polar opposite from a liberal art -so you want more practical and less theory (i.e. tons of reading and writing, etc.) then you take that risk.

Anyway, as noted above, UVA is a reach no matter what - so you need that “list balance” anyway and in that regard a Chance Me, while fun, isn’t impactful. You need that list of back ups and again, they can be in state or OOS - and even at a lower price OOS given your stats if you’re willing to go farther (hence I asked that up front).

And I see a few keep brining up the FL as a potential stumbling point for you, so you might want to look into that to maximize your odds.

But again - UVA - and it’s just my opinion - should come down to - do you want UVA no matter what…or you 100% want to study business and nothing else. If it’s the latter- then you should 100% not ED.

That’s, to me, the first question to answer.

Best of luck.

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Since you like UVA, ED does seem to be your best chance. But, it is a reach, so have good backup plans. William and Mary ED ll and Virginia Tech EA could be possibilities. What is your actual budget(what will your family pay) and what other schools are you considering?


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