Chance Me @ UW-Madison

HS Junior - Class of 2023 - In State

Top 5% at highly competitive top 5 Wisconsin public high school. Thus far UW 3.96 GPA, Weighted 4.1. ACT 28 (taking it once more this summer). Double advanced math with nothing but A’s in honors and AP track. State recognized award winner for various art projects. Scholastic Art & Writing Silver Key & Honorable Mention award winner, Varsity Choir and state level music competition participant, 4 years of XC, track and soccer, Volunteer Mission Trip, French Club and 2 week French Trip with school. High academic honors in high school each year. 2 excellent letters of recommndention from AP teachers. Other clubs. Senior schedule to include AP Calc, AP Physics, AP Environmental, AP Art Studio. Legacy. Going to apply EA. Legacy. Have already expressed a desire to join the Rowing team and have met with the coaches. Likely to apply to school of engineering for Geological Engineering, with L&S Geosciences as the secondary major. Thoughts on my chances for an EA acceptance as an IN STATE student? I know a 30 ACT makes it more automatic, but hoping the well rounded nature of my high school resume will off set that a bit.

Technically I don’t believe it is “early action” but get your application in by the required date for consideration in the first round decision date. You do need to improve your ACT to improve your chances. I have no idea where you figure your HS is “top five” et al. There are MANY good HS’s in the state, where you go usually depends on where you live. They do not penalize people for not going to somebody’s rankings top whatever HS. Being near the top of your class counts more as it shows you are doing well for what is offered to you.

Bottom line. Retake the ACT, take the SAT perhaps as you may do better with its format

I’m not used to seeing a college grad class date since so many people have different timelines- more or fewer years/semesters. Especially since UW isn’t confined to students marching in step with timelines, nor do most know more than a small percentage of their graduating at the same time fellow students since there are thousands. HS class of 2019 I presume. Proud of my alma mater for how things work.

Thanks. What if 28 is the best I can get on the test? Is there a general benefit to being an in state applicant versus an OOS applicant? As for the High School it is one of the more competitive ones in the state. Does a high UW GPA with a tough course load help to offset an average ACT?

Your HS’s prestige/ranking et al should NOT matter- students who do not have the opportunities you have should not be penalized. UW will look at how you take advantage of what is offered- getting top grades means you are doing so. You show you are learning the skills and material with your top grades. Your average-for-UW test scores plus stellar grades show you must be working hard and have good study habits. This is an indicator of being successful in managing the rigors of UW. I assume you are also taking advantage of the most rigorous curriculum your school offers.

Improving your test score will only help you. You need to also remember than one half of all scores will be below the median. Twenty five percent will be in the lowest quartile- they will be admitted. 75% will NOT be in the top quartile. So- just keep doing your best and do not worry. You submit your application and see what happens.