Chance Me! - UW Madison

Hi! I will be applying to UW Madison at the end of the month and I’m hoping somebody can give me some honest feedback about my chances of getting in as an out of state (MN) student.

Asian, Female

GPA: 3.6 UW

ACT: 34

8 AP classes + 5 more senior year: Mostly 4s and 5s with one 3

2 AP scholars with distinction, Member of NHS

ECs: Varsity swim team, Varsity downhill ski team and captain, Varsity golf team and captain,
Youth In Government: twice-elected official, state steering committee, local leadership team,
Editor-In-Chief of high school newspaper,
250+ volunteer hours,
Worked as a ski instructor (6 years) and swim instructor (2 years),
12 years of Chinese school (fluent),
On leadership team of mental health initiative at my high school,
Student election judge

Essay: pretty strong (I would give it a B+/A-)

Recommendations: Councilor - very good, Teachers - 1 very good, 1 pretty good

Thank you!!


Political Science - sorry I forgot to include that!

looks great - that 34 ACT seals the deal

Hey, just wanted to update you all that I got in EA a couple months ago!