Chance Me please! UW Madison 2024 EA

GPA: 4.12 W
ACT: 33 (36 English, 35 reading, 32 Math, 30 science)
APs: APUSH-5, AP Environmental-4, Psych-5, Lit-4
currently taking Stat, Calc AB, micro and macroeconomics

Major: Marketing / journalism


  • Work at tutoring center for four years (longest working employee besides my boss so I have leadership there)
  • Volunteer every Sunday at Chinese school
  • Presented research on global malnourishment/female rights to education at a program at Rutgers University
  • Internship at NYC financial health company over the summer
    -National Honors Society
    -Girl Scouts
  • Playing piano which I have gotten awards for
  • Flute player in band

I think my recommendations are pretty good because I had great relationships with my teachers and one of them introduced me to the program I did research for.
I also had my employer write me a recommendation letter.

In addition, I would say my essay is a solid 8.5/10.

Thanks to those who respond!

Need unwieghted gpa.

I agree. An unweighted GPA is important. Most schools don’t care about weighted.

Also, are you in-state or out?

In-state I’d say you should feel very confident. But but of state is much more of a challenge.

I believe it’s around a 3.8 and also I’m out of state :frowning:

3.8 -ish