<p>Me and my good friend both has a strong desire to go to Cal Poly SLO. In my opinion, we are pretty much equal.</p>
<p>Me and friend have pretty much equal stats, but I want to see how I compare. All I know is CSU/UC gpa. </p>
-3.53 Cal Poly gpa
-26 ACt for now( I know I could get 28 at least)
-decent courseload
-300 hours of community service with 2 clubs, city library, and local hospital
-1 year of yearbook sections editor
-1 year of yearbook business manager
-20 hours/week job
-Early Decision for biological sciences
-like a 4.5 or w/e Cal Poly gpa
-1600SAT/ 28 ACT
-easier courseload, but straight A’s
-50 hours of community service
-15 hours/week job
-Regular decision for either engineering or business admin</p>
<p>I’ve been reading that GPA plays a big part at state schools. Who would have a better chance? We’re applying for fall 2010.</p>
<p>Dude, your friend has a wayyy better chance. GPA is the number 1 consideration, and with a 4.5 he can pretty much get into any major he wants…</p>
<p>I dont even think Cal Poly factors in the EC considerations, but if they do they dont mean much.</p>
<p>Applying ED is important, but my good friend applied ED for Biological Sciences with a 4.0 1700 SAT, and he didnt get in. I would encourage you to apply early decision for microbiology or chemistry.</p>
<p>koreanboi as of right now i dont think you even have a mild chance at being accepted into Cal Poly’s Biological Sciences major. My friend was denied today with stats that are a lot more impressive than yours. Remember Cal Poly is all about numbers… Your ec’s, jobs, ethnicity wont help you in the admission process. You can be pre med from pretty much any major. If I was you I would ED with the Earth Sciences major (if you want to be easily accepted) animal science(50/50chance), and do the pre med courses. Also maybe look at FNR, its one of the more accredited ag majors.</p>
<p>I said microbiology or chemistry because I would guess those majors would be less popular than Biological Sciences… But honestly I dont think you will be accepted into either of those majors with a 3.53.</p>
<p>hmm.icic. I just wouldn’t want to be pre-med with some ag major, it might seem like a lot of work trying to get to know your bio/chem professors if you an ag major?</p>
<p>But I’ll think about, I have another half a year before I apply.</p>