Chance Me VT Architechture

I am an Asian-American Student from Northern Virginia who is a first generation college student. I am applying ED to Tech for Architecture. My mother has some college and my father has some high school.

GPA: 3.515 (weighted)
Rank: 379/688
ACT: 28 (superscore)
AP Scores: Lang (3)
Senior Classes: DE Eng, DE Gov, JROTC III, Civ Engin & Architecture, Intro to Engin, AP Calc AB, AP Phys 1

Awards: 4th place in state for JROTC cyber patriot, IT program gold medal, CCNA (Cisco) Certification, Academic Letter, Varsity Swim Letter

Activities: Virginia Tech Inside Architecture Summer Program, JROTC Flight Sergeant (Leadership), JROTC Academic Bowl (Leadership), JROTC Cyber Patriot, JROTC Media and Newsletter (Leadership and Founder), Peer Diversity (Leadership), Community Swim Team Coach (Leadership), Varsity Swim Team Captain (Leadership)

I participate within a lot of the different clubs my JROTC program offers and I was wondering if I have “too much” leadership for my activities. Tech is my top choice and I am worried that I am relying too much on a single school.

Enter the College of Science to see the 2018 admission results. This is the best guide to understand where you fall in the big scheme of things but keep in mind it is only a guide and every year people in the 75% range are denied and people in the 25% accepted. There are so many non-statistical factors involved. I recommend making your essays standout. Lastly, given VT has moved to the coalition app this year, it is unknown how this will affect decisions. So, apply to VT and other schools you would be happy attending. Sorry I can’t be of more help, but wish you the best.

Am I right that VT and UVa are the only instate schools with architecture? If you are set on that major I understand why you are relying on VT. @bboop42 is right, it is anyone’s guess as to an applicant’s chances. A quick Google search shows West Virginia Univ. with an architecture school. That could be a safety? And WVU gives excellent scholarships to out of state students. Our HS in the Richmond area sends 15-20 kids there every year, on scholarship. From what I hear the kids LOVE it. It’s not terribly far from NOVA either

P.S. I apologize. Google showed WVU but I just went on their site and its Landscape Architecture only that they offer.

Looking at the VT admission data, last year, 631 people applied to architecture and 360 accepted so only a 57% acceptance rate. They do not list the average ACT scores but they have the mean SAT scores for math at 677 and reading 656. High school mean GPA was 4.26. Your ACT score is about 1250-1280 on the SAT and their mean SAT was a 1333. Your ACT is a little low and your GPA is much lower then their mean. You have a change for ED but I would definitely look for some other schools if you really want to study architecture. Some OOS schools will give you aid to bring your tuition down to state tuition. UVA is even higher statistics and they only admitted 95 males last year to architecture. I have also heard people complain that it is harder to get into state schools in Virginia if you are from NOVA because of the competition. Good luck on admissions.