Chance me VT Engineering?

<p>Schools: Virginia Tech, Georgia Tech, Penn State, Maryland, NC State, Lehigh, Drexel, VCU
Intended Major: Mechanical Engineering</p>

<p>What are my chances and how can i improve them?</p>

<p>Right now I am a junior in a public high school in central VA.</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.9 out of 4
Weighted GPA: 4.3</p>

SAT- 1860: 510 V, 740 M, 610 W
SAT II- Taking Physics and Math II June 1st
ACT- Taking June 8th</p>

<p>7th Grade:
Algebra 1- B+</p>

<p>8th Grade:
Honors Geometry- A+
Spanish 1- A+</p>

<p>9th Grade:
Adv English 9- A
World Geography- A+
Adv Algebra 2- A
Adv Earth Science- A
Spanish 2- A<br>
Health/PE9- A
Manufacturing Tech- A
Technical Drawing/Design- A </p>

<p>10th Grade:
Adv English 10- A-
AP World Histroy- B+
Pre-calculus with Trig- A
Adv Biology- A
Spanish 3- A-
Intro to Marketing- A-
Driver's Ed- B+</p>

<p>11th Grade: (Projected Grades)
Adv English 11- A-
US History- A+
AP Calculus AB- A+
Adv Chemistry- A
Adv Physics- A+
Engineering Drawing/Design- A+
Art 1- A</p>

<p>12th Grade: (Projected Classes)
Adv English 12
AP Statistics
AP Psychology
AP Chemistry
AP Physics B
AP Calculus BC</p>

JV Football (9)
JV Basketball (9,10)
Varsity Soccer(10,11,12)
Part-time job at Chick-fil-A (11,12)
Active Math Honor Society member and tutor (11, 12)
Technology Student Association (11)
Calculus Team (Captain)
Physics Team (Captain)
50+ hours volunteering at church</p>

<p>I’d say your chances are excellent. VT engineering puts less weight on your verbal SAT score but yours is pretty low. I’d recommend practicing the SAT verbal over the summer and retaking the test in the Fall. IMO you are likely to be admitted to many of the schools that you are planning on applying. I’m not sure though whether any of the out-of-state options are going to offer enough in merit aid to make them competitive with VT. Personally, if you are applying to “match” schools I don’t see the need to apply to eight different universities. I’d recommend visiting each of the schools and dropping any that you find you don’t like. Of course, others prefer to wait until they are accepted but the actual cost may not be known until late when you would be scrambling to complete campus visits. Good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks for your input! I know my verbal is very low and am planning to take it again in the fall. The reason for the different match schools is because I’m not 100% certain I will be admitted to VT Engineering.</p>

<p>I think your GPA and ECs put you in a really good place for acceptance, but try to get your SATs up if you can.</p>

<p>Will do, thanks!</p>

<p>I only have experience with VT and GT. GT in particular has gotten quite selective–more so than VT–and the acceptance really dipped. The average SAT for applying students was something like 1360 w/o writing, and a 3.75 GT GPA. (Not sure what the admitted numbers were.) </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Retake the sat and focus only on Verbal. VT lets you cherry pick your best score so you can combine the math score with the new verbal score. That will increase your odds the most.</p>

<p>Thanks guys, I knew GT was more selective and will probably choose VT as my number one specifically for financial reasons. Chuy, thanks for the advice. I did not know they let you pick and choose or combine different scores from different SAT tests. That gives me some assurance.</p>

<p>There’s no need to guess. Here is the data for 2012 entering freshmen. </p>

<p>[Admissions</a> | Institutional Research & Effectiveness Home | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Admissions”></p>

<p>And to clarify a little bit - VT doesn’t allow YOU to cherry pick - they want to see all your scores SAT and ACt and then they superscore for you. They will use your best results from any test. So you have to send them all scores.</p>

<p>Best of luck.</p>

<p>Oh okay, thanks for the clarification Bennnie.</p>

Math 2- 600
Physics- 640
ACT- 32 (30E,35M,30R,31S) </p>

<p>Should I submit any of my sat scores? Or just my act score?</p>

<p>I would just submit the ACT scores which are great. The SAT ll scores are fairly low and I doubt would help you. Unless things have changed recently, Virginia Tech doesn’t require SAT ll’s anyway. Good luck!</p>

<p>With your ACT score your stats are basically identical to what mine were and I got in. That was 7 years ago but still.</p>

<p>Okay thanks guys.</p>