Chance me?

<p>Senior from NY</p>

<p>College Prep High School, 88% unweighted GPA over first three years, top 18th percentile in my class. Also, my school does not offer AP or Honors classes, but we all take the same classes and they are certainly comparable to AP classes.</p>

<p>SAT Superscore--> Math 680, Critical Reading 610, Writing 620. </p>

<p>SAT Highest Single Score--> Math 680, Critical Reading 570, Writing 620.</p>

<p>Six different clubs and three per year, three years of work experience, and I played a sport. National Honor Society.</p>

<p>I applied Early Action and got deferred, anyone know my chances? You can be harsh if necessary. During February break I plan on going down to the campus for a visit, if that makes any difference.</p>

<p>If you got deferred they’re clearly interested in you. It all depends on how the final class profile comes out. From your stats, I’d imagine you’re somewhere near the top of the deferred pile, but there’s no way to tell.</p>

<p>okay, thanks for your input. much appreciated</p>