Chance me?

<p>So UMN Twin Cities is my top choice right now. I am a junior in HS. My gpa as of now is 3.88 out of 4. My SAT is 2050/1350(M+CR). I have over 200 hours of volunteering, U.S. and overseas, and I also work in a fastfood restaurant. I am from New Hampshire by the way. I wanna go to the College of Biological Science to major in Biology and go into med school. So do I have a chance to get into CBS in UMN Twin Cities. I am also Asian, but not the smart asian but from a small country in Asia called Bhutan, typically underrepresented</p>

<p>Anyone? Can anyone chance me?</p>

<p>My son was admitted to Carlson (and is attending) for fall 2011 with a 28 ACT and a weighted 3.8. Also good extra curriculars, volunteer hours, and part time job.</p>

<p>You can go onto their enrollment stats for Fall 2010 and see the ACT breakdown for each college:
[OIR</a> New Freshman Characteristics: Fall 2010 ACT Composite](<a href=ā€œ]OIRā€></p>

<p>That should give you an idea of scores. You can find SAT/ACT conversion charts on the web. Then admissions could probably give you the GPA averages for past years for your college.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>you have a pretty good shot, but remember CBS is a hard school to get into. You have a pretty good chance, but you have to remember the average ACT score there is 30, which translates into 1350 I think.
Luckily you have a high GPA and good volunteer hours which would help you. Iā€™d give you a 75-80% admit rate.</p>