Chance Me!

<p>Chance me please! I'm starting to get really antsy about decisions with December 15th so soon!</p>

<p>Ethnicity: White
State: North Carolina
School: Large, extremely competitive public school
Class rank: 23/ around 550
GPA: weighted- 4.83, unweighted- 3.96
AP courses taken: AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP English Language, AP English Literature, AP Euro, AP Psych, AP Human Geo, AP Stat
ACT: 31 twice, 32 "superscored" (i know, they don't superscore the ACT)</p>

<p>Awards and Activities:</p>

<p>DECA- President, past secretary, inter-club council representative, 1st place states (twice), 4th place states, 1st place regionals, 2nd place regionals, quiz bowl captain, top 10 quiz bowl test taker and team in state, international award of excellence (twice). Our chapter has around 150 members. </p>

<p>Mock Trial- Best Attorney Award</p>

<p>BBYO (youth group)- past VP, secretary, chairwoman of upper/lower classmen relations, chairwomen of welcoming committee</p>

<p>Key Club</p>

<p>Friends Club (working with special needs children)</p>

<p>National Honor Society</p>

<p>National French Honor Society</p>

<p>National Technical Honor Society</p>

<p>Future Business Leaders of America</p>

<p>I've been doing ballet for 14 years. Was a company dancer with the Charlotte Youth Ballet.</p>

<p>Senior Marshall (top 25 start of senior year)</p>

<p>Distinguished Young Women award</p>

<p>Honor Roll</p>

<p>AP scholar</p>

- selected to dance with the Atlanta Ballet
- lobbied in DC for education (various issues) this past summer
- various leadership summits with youth group
- spent summer at the Fashion Institute of Technology taking fashion design courses
- was selected to assistant teach marketing at my school (only person doing so)
- Last year, my DECA partner and I researched Bank of America and social media for a competition, and BofA asked us to come speak about our findings at their headquarters.
- Jewish, and very active in Temple and youth group</p>

<p>I'm interested in studying business or law.
I'm a strong writer, so my essays were solid, and my recs are great! Also, I think my interview for Georgetown went very well. </p>

<p>I applied to McDonough (business school) at Georgetown early.
Also applying to:
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Virginia
Cornell ILR
Emory (Goizueta- business school)

<p>Thanks for taking the time to read this!</p>

<p>I would say in at Chapel Hill, and a solid shot at UVA. For Emory/Northwestern/Tufts/Cornell you’re definitely qualified and have as good a chance as anyone else. Good luck!</p>

<p>Those schools are certainly in your range with Northwestern being the toughest one. Nonetheless, you should do fine.</p>