<p>Race: Asian/Male
GPA as of right now: UW - 3.14 W- 3.83
SAT: 2060/2400 and 1290/1600 (Retaking it again in October)
Senior Classes: Orchestra, Econ AP, Calc BC AP, CompSci III AP, AdvancedObjectOrientedDesign GT, English 12 AP,
State of Residence: Maryland
Applying for Nov. 30 Deadline: Yes</p>
<p>4 AP's Throughout first 3 years/Scores:
Calculus AB AP - 5
English 11 AP Lang/Comp - 5
Government/Politics AP - 4
World History AP - 4</p>
President of computer programming club (2 Yrs.)
Math Team (2 Yrs.)
Piano (10 Yrs.)
All State Orchestra ( 2 Yrs.)</p>