<p>Race: Asian/Male
GPA as of right now: UW - 3.14 W- 3.83
SAT: 2060/2400 and 1290/1600 (Retaking it again in October)
Senior Classes: Orchestra, Econ AP, Calc BC AP, CompSci III AP, AdvancedObjectOrientedDesign GT, English 12 AP,
State of Residence: Maryland
Applying Early Action: Yes</p>
<p>4 AP's Throughout first 3 years/Scores:
Calculus AB AP - 5
English 11 AP Lang/Comp - 5
Government/Politics AP - 4
World History AP - 4</p>
President of computer programming club (2 Yrs.)
Math Team (2 Yrs.)
Piano (10 Yrs.)
All State Orchestra ( 2 Yrs.)</p>
<p>The best prediction is from your school’s Naviance data. Our school’s data matched very closely to the UMD’s Freshman Profile last year.</p>
<p>“For Fall 2012, students admitted to the University of Maryland have an average (weighted) GPA of 4.11 and the middle 50% of SAT scores ranged from 1250 to 1400, and between 28-32 on the ACT. As a result 25% of the admitted students scored below a 1250 on the SAT and 25% scored above a 1400.”</p>
<p>Your GPA could be a concern for the fall admits.</p>
<p>OP - After reread your post, I might have been too harsh. I know someone who had similar stats (2100+ SAT & 3.8 WGPA) was accepted into the Freshman Connection program three years ago. But you do have great AP scores which will place you out of many required gateway courses. So, your AP scores should give you a big boost.</p>
<p>By the way, your GPA should have been so much higher based on your AP abilities. :(</p>