Chance Me

<p>I applied ED</p>

<p>I skipped the 8th grade and am finishing high school in 3 years</p>

<p>My AP classes:
World History
Calc AB

<p>SAT: 2060 (740 math, 660 english, 660 writing)
Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.3</p>

3 years Marching Band -- bass drum captain last year, tenor drum captain this year
Gay Straight Alliance member 3 years
Worked for a summer on a goat farm in Michigan (I live in California)</p>

<p>I interviewed on campus in August and I think it went very well. They told me to expect a 20 minute interview and we went 45 minutes. They indicated that age was not an issue at all and they would typically be concerned that I went so fast that I wouldn't have enough rigor in my prior coursework (but they said that wasn't a problem in my case). I will graduate with 4 years of English (taking both AP Lit and Lang this year), 3 years Math (with AP Calc as my highest level), 3 years Science, 3 years Social Studies, and 2 years Spanish (finished after Spanish 3, because I took Spanish 1 in eighth grade).</p>

<p>I think my recommendations are going to be very good and I drafted out an entire course plan for my Block Plan Supplement for a class in Therapeutic Stem Cell Studies (my ultimate area of interest).</p>

<p>“I skipped the 8th grade”</p>

<p>“I took Spanish 1 in eighth grade”</p>

<p>I suppose you meant 7th or 9th. But anyways, I don’t see what you have to be worried about. Your SAT could be higher but considering your age, it’s decent. I think you have a very good chance of acceptance.</p>


<p>What I did was take 7th and 8th grade in one year (I took 3 classes as a 7th grader and 3 classes as an 8th grader, one of which was Spanish 1). I wondered whether I should retake the SAT. I took it last year (technically my 10th grade year) the day after I was diagnosed with mono, but felt like I had put in a pretty good effort. I could retake, but the scores won’t be out until after the ED decision.</p>