I am a rising senior at a private high school in South Florida where I am on scholarship. My parents are divorced and I currently live with my mom. My parents could never afford to send me to most universities with financial aid or scholarships. Here are my stats below!!
Sat: 219
600+ volunteer hours(parks, animal shelters, fostering animals)
Clubs: model UN, future business leaders of America, njhs, nhs, pre law society, key club, and i started my own club called one step at a time where we volunteer with habitat for humanity. I was a leuitenant in my law society as a sophomore and I am currently the vp(hopefully I will be president next year). Very involved in every club.
I play the piano and my unweighted gpa is 4.0 and at my school my weighted is 5.9. Ap human:5, ap euro:4, ap world:5, ap U.S. history:5, ap enviro:5, ap comp gov: 5. I will be taking another 4 to 5 next year.
So these are the school: Ed cornell, Stanford, northwestern, NYC, brown, Vanderbilt, Berkeley, u pen, u Chicago, Columbia. I am a legacy at cornell. My uncle attended and is currently on the board at the school and really wants me to go. He says he will talk to some people and write a letter(whatever that is supposed to mean.) I also have 3 or 4 cousins that attended cornell. I have two cousins that also attended Stanford. Please chance me and I will chance back. Due to my situation, I am looking at McGill and u of t because I am a Canadian citizen, it’s cheap, and really good. Please let me know if I should apply.
2190 score I presume?
Cornell: with a great essay, and of course uncle’s connections, at least a waitlist.
Stanford: Still apply, but you’re not really outstanding in a particular field for the school. Hard to say based on just what I’m provided. Also, legacy only works at that school if a)your parents went there or are working there or b)brother/sister went
Northwestern: At least a waitlist, good chance for more 
Brown: Same thing with stanford
Vanderbilt: school is very engineered/computer programming focused. If you’re applying as an engineering major, it might be tough as your EC’s don’t point in that general direction other than great grades. So thats a 50/50 shot.Other than that, GREAT shot 
Berkeley:pretty good, pretty good, with a good essay a pretty awesome shot
U Penn: 50/50 with a great essay
UChicago: same with Stanford/Brown
Columbia: Same with Stanford/Brown
Now if you;re just a Canadian citizen and nothing else, please lean more towards private universities, as they will hopefully give you better aid.It’s tough as since you are an “international applicant” even private schools will have a higher tuition for your residence. However. since you go to an American high school things might be a bit different, but if you’re worried about money UC Berkeley is really tough to afford. You are not going to find a loophole, that school will be very expensive, and will use your status to try to get more money for you as that institution is already cash strapped. If you want to end up doing grad school and find yourself in a tough money situation, then just do McGill. ait will make your life sooooooo much easier.
I am a U.S. Citizen, I was born in Florida, but my dad is born in Canada. I automatically get dual citizenship. So, I can go to McGill for a cheap price if I apply as a Canadian living in the U.s. Also, it is extremely easy to get into as a Canadian, but as a foreigner, it is pretty hard. I really really want cornell or penn, but I think if I get denied to cornell and u pen, and get accepted into u of to and Vanderbilt, I will choose u of t. I want to major in either financing, marketing, or investments. @igotbighair
thanks for chancing me -_-
and yep, Vanderbilt seems pretty good