I’m a senior at a college prep Catholic high school in Atlanta, GA.
GPA: 3.53 UW

ACT: 30

Courseload: 2 APs (AP US History and AP English) Junior year. 4 APs (English, Macroeconomics, European History, Comparative Gov) Senior year (6 APs, 2 honors courses)

AP Scores: 5 on US History, 4 on English Lang

African-American Female

Extracurriculars: Member of the Youth Advisory Board of a non-profit organization called 21st Century Leaders, in charge of being an ambassador and recruiting new members (sort of like a PR internship except its permanent),Social Media Coordinator and Event Planner for 21st Century Leaders (promote through mediums like Twitter and Instagram) Varsity Girls’ Golf member (2 years), Student Council (3 years); Lion Leader (Peer Advisor/Mentor) for Incoming Freshmen

Volunteer at MedShare, a medical supply sorting non-profit that ships to countries such as Sierra Leone, Ghana, and Vietnam

Awards: Winner of an online web challenge sponsored by Technology Association of Georgia for a website design strategy for the company Women in Technology and STEM fields, Honor Student (A average)

Fluent in Spanish and learning German

Intended Major/minor: Anthropology

Looks like you will definitely get in! Keep up the good work and make sure your essays are spotless!

you will certainly get in

Agree, you have a hook plus solid otherwise. Good work and good luck. Have teachers review your essay. Think outside the box.