Chance Me

Act: 30
GPA: 3.54 Unweighted My school has a higher grading scale than most schools for example a 95% is an A and a 92% is a B
Close family members died which took an affect on my freshman year grades which I wrote about in the App.

AP Classes: 4 AP’s taken including senior year
Honors Classes: Around 4 or 5 taken
Extracurriculars: 4 Years of Varsity Basketball(Captain), National Honors Society, Business Club(President) , Math Club, Robotics, 2 years of Football, 2 years of Track(Captain),

Volunteer: Over 50 hours

Work Experience: Work in the summer everyday for at least 3 hours

Wisconsin resident or OOS?

Minnesota Resident

The scale your HS uses for grades has no bearing. Any school can use any parameters for giving grades and adjust how things are assigned points, how difficult tests are etc to assure none to all get any given grade. UW will look at the rigor of your courses compared to that available- something your school, not you will determine.

Your gpa from freshman year is easily offset by rising grades the next two grades. Consider your junior year gpa as the most important one- that is the last one admissions will see this fall.