Chance me?

Hi! I applied EA to Madison and I am from oos (TX). I am afraid my stats are too low for their oos standards and UW is my top choice.

  • GPA: 3.4 (pretty drastic upward trend) I have had a lot of pretty serious health issues in high school which is the reason for low grades. I explained it in my extra info section on the common app and also had a doctor write a letter as well.
  • ACT: 28
  • Applied as a business major (I am hoping that if I don't get into my 1st or 2nd choice I will be admitted as pre-business..not sure how that works though)
  • Have had many family members who are alumni and have a few attending now.
  • I had 5 people read and help me revise my essay, so I feel like it is good. I worked really hard on it. I also got really nice rec letters.
  • LOTS of EC's.
  • Head of my school's videography dept.
  • I have had 2 internships (marketing), I currently have a job, and I have my own photography business.

Just let me know your honest opinions. Thank you! :smile:

Your junior year gpa should be stellar. You should have good grades (A’s) in some AP classses last year. Plus you need to have met the typical accepted students classes taken- including 4 years of a foreign language. Then you have a chance. btw- you need to consider finances- do not expect any aid. You need to be able to pay all costs in full.

Thank you! @wis75

I probably should have mentioned that I go to a small rigorous private school. It does not offer many AP classes so the only AP class I took was during freshman year (I got a high B in it). My junior year GPA was ~3.6 UW (all A’s and one B, my school just has a hard grading scale).

I did not take 4 years of a foreign language because of my TBI (which is also the reason my GPA is low) - which I made sure to explain.

I was not expecting to get any aid, luckily my family will be able to pay for oos tuition.

Would you say I have a lower chance of getting in?

Your grades are average, not at all that high for UW- even junior year. Plus test scores average for UW. Definitely a reach. You can apply but be sure to have other schools on your list. EC’s do not replace excellent academics.

@wis75 okay, thank you!