Chance me!!!

<p>Im a First Generation Mexican-American.
President of MESA
Church Youth Group Leader</p>

<p>Do I have any chance to be admitted to any ivy league?</p>

I don't do chances, but the amount of information you've provided is not enough to for anyone to give you a reasonable response. The most important factor in college admissions is HS record--grades and rigor of coursework.</p>

<p>Even with URM, you're SAT is extremely low for an Ivy league unfortunately. Unless you are a recruited athlete you're chances are slim, especially with few EC's. You need to build some diversity.</p>

<p>As entomom stated, the information provided isn't enough to give a reasonable evaluation. You need to provide some information on your HS, GPA, courses, and grades.</p>

<p>Good luck</p>

<p>SAT = approx. 1250 M&V; if all 3 sections are equal
ACT = 1340 M&V converted</p>

<p>The ACT is within range and the SAT is possibly within range, DEPENDING on the OPs SES, if he attends an underserved HS, if he has encountered obstacles to his education, etc. As far as ECs, I'm assuming he's omitted some things as he has other parts of his profile. He is (unfortunately) asking for all Ivies, so there's a range of acceptance levels that he's asking about.</p>

<p>Im a First Generation Mexican-American.
SAT 2- 770,660,520
President of MESA
Church Youth Group Leader
Im also an Student body representative, a member of the Compton City Youth Council, alto sax player in the marching band, recycling club, and TreePeople</p>

<p>And i want to know if ill be accepted to:

Im a First Generation Mexican-American.


<p>First generation in the US, first generation to attend college, or both? Just asking as first gen to college is a factor in college admissions but first gen to the US is not.</p>

Im a First Generation Mexican-American.


<p>First generation in the US, first generation to attend college, or both? Just asking as first gen to college is a factor in college admissions but first gen to the US is not.</p>

<p>Im both....</p>
