Will I Get ACCEPTED??!!!

<p>Im a First Generation Mexican-American.
SAT 2- 770,660,520
UW GPA-3.73
W GPA-4.1

President of MESA
Church Youth Group Leader
Student body representative,
a member of the Compton City Youth Council
alto sax player in the marching band
recycling club

<p>I’m rooting for you because of your URM/first gen status couples with the excellent class rank, but I don’t think your standardized test scores will make the cut :(</p>

<p>With your only over-700 SAT score in Spanish, and a 520 on Math II…I’m inclined to agree with Arch3r25. It will depend whether they think you will be able to succeed at D…as a non-admissions person, I would want to see some kind of evidence that I don’t see in your summary above. It could be in your score breakdown or AP results or somewhere else in your application that we don’t see here. I hope so, and good luck.</p>

<p>From just what I see here, I don’t think you would be accepted. But, if you had some kick…butt… essays and some really awesome rec’s and they got a good sense of you from your app, I wouldn’t be surprised if you got in.</p>

<p>How do your ACT scores break out?</p>

<p>sat 2’s are supposed to be only for placement, not admit. and i think they only want 2 so you could drop the low math. also, the 30 (if it breaks out kind of close in all) is more attractive than the sat, and you dont have to send both. good luck.</p>



<p>As far as I know this is not true at any school that requires SATIIs as part of the application process.</p>


<p>u are competing agaisnt a tough hispanic pool this year…like me, the Werg and some others in this site…unless u had amazing subjective portion of the app, i cant see u getting in just because ur hispanic.</p>


<p>Agree Consolation, bman is incorrect.</p>

<p>Bman, check out the Al.</p>

<p>I’m going to have to differ here. The Compton City Youth Council thing really stands out to me. Though the tests scores might not be crazy CC stellar, Dartmouth looks at a lot more than that (look at their ED). As long as you played up your upbringing, I say you have a moderately good chance. Good luck!</p>

<p>Unlikely. Sorry.</p>


<p>Not impossible if you wrote/write a great essay.</p>

<p>If you got in, I wouldn’t be shocked. If you got rejected, I wouldn’t be shocked.</p>

<p>since u are Mex-Am./URM, ur chances are greatly boosted. Ur ECs are pretty good, so thats a plus. Ur grades arent really the cream of the crop, but since they need diversity in their school, u would probably be a top candidate for ur ethnic group. But as Dartmoose said, u need a great essay, and wouldnt be a surprise if u got in, and it wouldnt be a surprise if u didnt. If you dont get in; however, there are plenty of other great schools that you could get into</p>

<p>Cheers :)</p>

<p>I agree with Dartmoose. It could go either way. If your recs are excellent and your essays interesting and show YOU in a memorable light, you could get in. If those are not absolutely stellar, then it’d be harder for you to get in. Good luck!!!</p>

<p>Also, it depends on how crappy your High School is. Strange as it may seem, the worse it is, the better your chances (the overcoming adversity thing).</p>

<p>i come from a crappy school. lol
and i have gone through much adversity because of my community.</p>

<p>“Rank-2/268” counts a lot !</p>