Chance me?

<p>I'm going to be a junior this year and applying for the class of 2015.</p>

<p>First generation to go to college</p>

<p>Race - Latin-American, African-American</p>

<p>GPA - 3.8 unweighted/4.0 weighted</p>


<p>9th - Honors English I, Honors Spanish II, Biology, World History, Honors Geometry, Latin I
10th - Honors English II, Honors Spanish III, Honors Chemistry, World History II, Advanced Algebra, French I, Chorus and Art
11th - AP English III, AP Spanish, Physics, AP US History, Honors Pre-Calc, Speech, Computer Programming, Leadership Studies
12th (predicted) - AP English IV, AP Spanish Lit, AP Phsyics, AP Euro, AP Calc/Statistics</p>


<p>Junior Class President
Editor-in-Chief School Paper
Literary Magazine
Latin Club
Drama Club
Key Club
Model UN
JV Volleyball 07-08, 08-09
Varsity Volleyball 10-11
Varsity Dance 07-08
Varsity Cheerleading 08-09, 09-10, 10-11
Fall Play 07 Crew Member
Spring Musical 08 Cast Member
Fall Play 08 Crew Member
Spring Musical 09 Cast Member
Fall Play 09 Cast Member
Community Service ~60 hrs (Low I know, but I plan on getting a lot more this year)</p>

<p>I know Colombia is a bit of a reach, but I'm hoping with being a first generation and a Hispanic female I will be able to get in. Give me your complete honest answers please!</p>


<p>as a younger brother to someone who got accepted and is attending columbia… you’re credentials are not horrible at all but you can tweak it more a bit… we can start off first at what you are going to pursue in college… if medicine you can try volunteering at a hospital or doing a internship this next summer before you apply (I am also applying to class of 2015… i am a junior too! haha)… and of course work hard on your PSATs and SAT’S! You can get some major cash if you do well enought on the PSAT and as we all know with columbia being an ivy league and its very urbane location its gonna rack up some major $$$ From you… also SAT II’s are important as well as your AP Classes… 4s and 5s will mainly get you credit there… your extracurriculars look pretty well rounded… athletic, clever, dedicated… i think they will find that as a plus… so mainly study hard on your SATS, PSATs, AP Exams, SAT II’s… </p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>You are a very strong candidate. All of the good schools are looking for candidates such as you. Aim high.</p>