Chance me!

<p>International Student - Canada

<p>GPA - 4.0
SAT - 2240 (690 CR, 800 M, 750 Wr)
SAT II's - (780 Math II, Writing Physics in December)</p>

-Varsity Baseball 4 Years, Senior Year Captain, All-District and what not kinda works different here in Canada - I have been recruited by some schools (I'll but a star beside the ones where the coaches said they will support my application which basically means the admissions staff will be informed that I would be on the team if accepted), but really I am looking to get into the best academic school (because most Canadians are younger, most coaches want us to go to Juco's first or take a PG and I don't really want to do that so I a lot of coaches, including the ivies, lost interest).
-Volunteered once a week at a local seniors center (worked with patients with alzheimers)
-Guest Coached a Little League team
-Ran an energy waste campaign at school (which produced numerous results such as lights that run on sensors, urinals that do not use water, etc.)</p>


U of Chicago*
Washington and Lee*
Johns Hopkins
Cal Berkeley</p>

<p>Thanks... I will chance back if you want...</p>

<p>Oh also, would you recommend rewriting math II. I know I could get 800 I wrote that before I took pre-calc and what we call in Canada Math 30 pure so I kinda taught myself the subject. Or is 780-800 such a small difference it doesn't matter.</p>

<p>Take any AP/Honor classes? If you have had a rigorous class schedule throughout HS Iā€™d say Duke could be a match</p>

<p><a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>;/a&gt; chance back?</p>

<p>Ive youve taken any ap or honors I think you could have a good shot to all those school, i think</p>

<p>Could you or anyone else plz chance me back, its my first and only post on CC so far, id really appreciate it. It says Can I get into these schools in New York?</p>

<p>Any others?</p>