Chance meh! (e.d)

<p>Out of curiosity I would like to be chanced...</p>

<p>I am applying for Early Decision to the Tech Corps of Cadets and is my number one choice. Here are my stats:</p>

<p>White Male</p>

<p>weighted gpa is 3.44
10 APs throughout high school
1790 super-scored SAT (1130 on two-part)</p>

<p>Have about 9 or 10 ECs, president of two, treasurer of one, captain of public forum debate and other stuff....</p>

<p>took tough aps like ap chem, ap physics, calc, etc....</p>

<p>I come from nova </p>

<p>Sorry for the lack of layout, but what are my chances for:
getting into the corps of cadets?
getting in early decision?
getting in in general?</p>


<p>Oh, and I had around a 3.7 for 3 years in hs, but sophmore year I had a 3.1… that is the reason for my low gpa (parents’ divorce)</p>

<p>smartal, your stats look competitive. Go to their website or to College Board to get information on their average freshman class stats ranges. It isn’t all about your numbers, though, but you certainly sound as though you could be a strong candidate. ED apps had to be in. Did you already apply?</p>

<p>@dowzerw I did but right now I am deciding whether or not I should apply to a greater amount of schools… Thanks for the chance though!</p>

<p>You should apply to others because it is just a better strategy to have options in case a first choice falls through. You know the drill-reaches, likelies, safeties. Regardless of one’s stats, you can’t assume anything. In the end, it comes down to fit both ways.</p>

<p>That is very true, thanks for the advice!</p>