Chance my son (Rising Senior) to CalTech/Stanford/UCs/Cal Poly SLO [CS or ME] [attending UCB as EECS major]

As for the UC’s, I’d use this link to help better assess your S’s chances for admission. It’s the UC admissions data by HS to every UC. Look up your S’s HS:


This link is for the CSU’s which is similar to the UC admissions by source school link posted by @sushiritto. Plenty of good information here but based on 2021 data.


For UC’s, his HS sends a small number of students (4-19). Highest numbers are in Santa Cruz and Davis. Our HS is in a low SES area compared to other Bay Area schools(Max APs offered are 11 and he took 8 of those). Lot of students join CSUs and some don’t apply to colleges (they join Trade schools or join their family businesses).

Thanks for the link for the CSU data. Looking at the numbers for my kid’s HS, it looks like a similar number get into SLO and UCB, which is interesting. (About 50-60 per year admitted to each of these schools.)

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New colleges added as DS got fee waiver codes and these colleges are in Common App. Also, finished his Common App essay and working on finalizing recommenders before he submits Uni of Pittsburgh app.

Seton Hall, Oregon Tech, Fordham, Univ of Puget Sound, Michigan Tech, Miami Uni of Ohio.


Common App allows only 20 applications i think. Use the slots only if they are a good fit for the student. Considering the cost of college, fee waiver will not be a factor for most people.

With his accomplishments and GPA, they are better universities(in terms of academics, not fit) that are in the same geographical area as where you are applying. The cost and merit you probably need to check. Miami of Ohio does offer more merit.

Just as an example. For engineering, Oregon St >> Oregon Tech, Ohio St >> Miami of Ohio, Michigan St >> Michigan Tech and so on …

Thank you. I am learning something new everyday on this college planning journey (20 college maximum). Right now, his list has 23 colleges including UCs and CSUs(Cal Polys and SJSU). So, we should be good number-wise.

I checked my EFC(estimated) and it came as pretty high. We need Merit Aid(Donut hole family), so some Southern Colleges (UAH, UofSC) and Uni of AZ are in.

Note that UCs and CSUs do not use the common app so they won’t count towards the 20 college maximum. And all the UCs share one app, and all the CSUs share another – ie, the student can apply to one or all UCs with one application and set of essays, and the same for one or all CSUs with one applicaiton.

The UCs require four essays, the CSUs require none. Also, if the student is in the top 9% of students statewide and does not get into any of the UCs that they applied to, they will very likely be offered a spot at UC Merced --even if they didn’t apply there.

Thank you. My Kid is in top 9% and got an email from his school counselor confirming his ELC eligibility.

He’s writing his PIQs for UCs and will be ready when apps open on Oct 1st.

That’s great!

I sent you a DM.

Pitt doesn’t need a recommendation, so I wouldn’t wait on that before applying. They will accept one, but state in information sessions that they prefer to only see them when special circumstances need to be explained as they are generally positive and not useful otherwise.

You could confirm this information with the area admissions officer.

My son wants to apply to Honors and needs to compete that essay. He is busy with his school work.

As an alternative, Students can submit Pitt’s honors essay after they submit the app. If this factor allows the general app to be submitted sooner, that is something to consider.


Another point to consider is whether he will pick any of these schools over in-state safeties like cal poly pomona or sdsu? if the answer is no, then maybe it is not worth the effort to apply to so many oos schools. Maybe limit to 1 or 2 that offer the most merit.


However, if the student is interested in a popular major like computer science or an engineering major, and is willing to attend UCM, it is best to apply there specifically, since relying on UCM as the ELC-default-if-shut-out may backfire if the student gets into (for example) UCSD and UCSB but not the desired major there. This will not trigger the ELC-default-if-shut-out offer to UCM, but will make it very unlikely to be able to study the desired major at the UCs that admitted as undeclared.


Our plan is to apply to CS for UCM, UCR.

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Excellent point!

Today he submitted Univ of Pittsburgh application without Honors essay. He will complete the essay once he gets accepted and we know the scholarship money.

Also, applied to Miami of Ohio, same like Pitts(will wait for acceptance and Merit money).


Great that he got the Pitt app submitted. Merit money won’t come out with the acceptance decision, it can take many months to find about merit money, as well as honors college admission. Your S should submit the Honors college essay as soon as possible, he should not wait until acceptance. The deadline to submit the Honors college app is 12/1, but still do it ASAP.

Yes, he plans to finish honors essay in next 2 weeks. He wants to complete all non-UC/CSU apps by September 2nd week. UC/CSUs start their apps on October 1st and I also need to do run my FAFSA and get the actual EFC. He also finalized his PIQs for UCs.

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