Chance my Transfer to Boston College Please!

<p>I am a Freshman at a SUNY and am not sure whether or not I had a chance of transferring to Boston College.</p>

<p>College GPA (after one semester): 3.54
2 Clubs, Volunteer at Hospital
Taking 17 credits this semester (17 last semester)
major: psychology major (looking into biology and neuroscience)</p>

<p>High School GPA: 3.5
4 AP classes: 3/3/4/5
Lots of clubs, honor clubs, secretary and treasurer of one club
over 300 hours of volunteer
held 2 jobs
SAT score: 690 (math), 610 (reading), 660 (writing)</p>

<p>Lastly, would I have a better chance at Boston College or Barnard College? Thanks!</p>