I recently graduated with an A.A. degree from a CCC. I applied to CSU Fullerton, Long Beach and Channel Islands as a psychology major.
My overall gpa: 2.91
Golden 4 course grades: A, A, C, C.
I am wondering what my chances are of getting accepted into any of these 3. I recently applied for the Spring 2018 term. I’d like to include I am from Imperial Valley area, which is about 3 and a half hours away from CSUF and CSULB. I live about 4 from CSUCI.
Thank you!
probably not fpr LB and F but CI is very likely to take you.
that’s what I was thinking, thank you!
I think CSU Channel Island is your most promising option. Long Beach and Fullerton will be tough with your GPA. Why only these three?
@Gumbymom I was thinking the same thing! Wasn’t sure though, thank you. I only applied to these 3 because I did not want to go too far away and those were the closets schools that were offering a spring term 
@Gumbymom thank you so much, I’m definitely going to need it!
I am transferring from a California Community College. (Non-local area)
My overall gpa: 2.91 (will be a 3.01 with the 0.1 bump since I received an AA-T degree.)
Golden 4 courses: 2 A s, 2 C s
I applied to CSU Fullerton, CSU Long Beach, and CSU Channel Islands. I applied as a psychology major in all 3 for the Spring 2018. I have the required 60 units to transfer as well.
I live about 3 hours from CSUF and CSULB. Live about 4 from CSUCI.
I had previously been accepted for CSUCI for this Fall 2017, but could not transfer due to financial situation.
I have both an A.A for Behavioral Science and AA-T for Psychology.
What are my chances of getting into all 3?
Responses greatly appreciated!
I have a 3.06 with my AS-T and I’m in Area for CSUF & CSULB so hopefully that will help me for spring acceptance
as a local applicant - i think you’ll get in. otherwise, probably not. be sure to apply to CI or another non-impacted CSU so you have a fall back.
good luck
@CSUtrnsfr that’s awesome, best of luck to you!
@NCalRent that’s what I have heard
it is harder for out of local when it comes to GPA. I applied at CSUCI, thank you!
@CSUtrnsfr also, let me know if you get in