I am looking for a little bit of insight on what could happen to my offer.
I graduated high school in 2014 with a 4.0 GPA (including three dual enrollment classes). That year I applied to Virginia Tech’s College of Engineering and ended up being wait-listed. I called the admissions office asking if they could explain that decision. Presumably because I took that initiative, they recommended that I take some core classes at my local community college, and reapply this year. I applied back in January and received an offer of admission, and I have accepted.
I ended up with a C in Calculus w/ Analytic Geometry II this semester.
I have taken a total of 10 classes for my freshman year, transcript as follows:
2014 Summer-
College Chemistry I (B) 4creds
Precalc II (B) 3creds
2014 Fall-
Calc w/ Analytic Geometry I (B) 5creds
University Physics I (A) 4creds
College Comp I (A) 3creds
Intm. Spanish I (A) 3creds
2015 Spring-
Calc w/ Analytic Geometry II © 5creds
Univ Physics II (A) 4creds
College Comp II (A) 3creds
Intm Spanish II (A) 3creds
My overall GPA from the community college is a 3.542
I have never received a C before in my life; I was pretty devastated when I got my first B.
And no, the C was not the result of slacking, overconfidence or lack of preparation. I just had a very difficult time with that particular teacher. He was also the only one teaching that class on my campus, so I couldn’t take it with someone else.
I sent an email to the transfer admissions counselor and am still awaiting a response.
So my questions are, what do you think are my chances of still being accepted into VT?
Also, does anyone know how/when I would find out if they decide to rescind the offer?
Any help is appreciated, and I’m so sorry about the lengthiness of this post!!
Thanks, guys 
I’ve gone through this issue when I transferred from VCU and when my one of my roommates transferred from TCC. I was at risk of getting two Cs in classes that would meet CLE requirements/in major requirements, roommate got a D in a Physics class, not a requirement for anything.
I called admissions and they told me that if I have a C or above, I would not have my admission rescinded so long as my GPA was didn’t drop significantly (they told me I needed to stay at over a 2.5, and I applied with a 3.45). My roommate called they said if his overall GPA remained over a 3.0 they would be fine.
If your counselor does not answer, just call admissions. If you can get a hold of someone, they’re really nice and helpful.
I believe your chance of being rescinded would be extremely low. Make a phone call rather than wait for an email response and get your stress relieved. Good luck at Virginia Tech!
Agree with the above responses. Everything that I have heard from people in similar situations is that admissions tell them do not get anything lower than a C and do not have a signifcant drop in your GPA.
thank you for your responses! I did call the office, and was not able to speak directly to anybody besides who i assume was the secretary. however, i did get a response that day via email. anyway, the transfer admission lady said that she wasn’t sure how the C would impact the decision, because of “how competitive the general engineering pool is this year”.
as of 6/4 my transcript was processed, but my transfer creds still haven’t been evaluated. I have also asked several times how and when i would find out if they were to change their mind, but they can never answer that question.
thanks again for your responses, i also appreciate how positive they all are 
i’m a first-generation college student so going through this process has not been easy, but I am really trying to keep my hopes up! thank you all, again 
mik2496, did you talk to anyone in the General Engineering Department? They should be able to put you at ease since they are making the decision about admittance into engineering.
Mik2496, You should not worry about the delay in the evaluation of the transfer credits. It takes a while to hear back on transfer credits. Sometimes, you hear quickly but most of the time it took a while. I believe the College of Engineering says it can take 30 days. My S often waited even when he took a class at a community college that was listed as approved. It also takes a while for them to post the credits for AP classes. Since the class of 2019 is so large, it may take longer. In the end, my S always received the credits that he expected.
@mik2496 the Registrar’s office is the one who evaluates transcripts, and they usually have a lot to do this time of year - mainly graduation, diplomas, fulfilling transcript requests. I went to transfer orientation and my transcripts were still being evaluated, but my adviser had a copy of my transcript and knew what would transfer, so any pre-reqs I needed were overridden so I could register in classes.
I was also a first gen student, so I know how daunting this process can be (part of the reason I work at a university now!).
You all have been so wonderful with your replies, thank you! I have talked to the transfer person- she said she didn’t know how the C would affect me b/c the “engineering pool was so competitive this year”.
Also my status page now says:
“Admission Type: Transfer Applicant”
Anybody know what that means?