Will one C get my VT offer rescinded?

I was accepted into Virginia Tech for the fall 2017 semester, and I have already enrolled. But I am very worried that a possible C in Ecology (Bio II) will get my offer rescinded. All of my end of the year grades throughout high school have been B’s/B+'s or A’s (and 6 were AP classes), but this might be the first time I have a C for an end of the year grade.
I transferred into the class and did not make up one of the tests I missed, so my first quarter grade was a C. Second was an A, third was a B+, and I fear this quarter I might get a C due to a terrible test grade (like an F, which is very rare for me). I worry they will see this as slacking, especially since it is the last quarter of senior year. Do you think this one bad grade will get my offer taken away? Thank you so much for the help!

I don’t think you should worry about one C


no chance

Do think as a transfer student with one C in English get rescinded?

They are likely cracking down and rescinding more people this year than in others. You are likely still fine with 1 C.

As mentioned by Hokie_gl32, I would like to WARN all “accepted” seniors who decided to accept VT’s offer and be a Hokie this coming Fall 2017. While I congratulate you of this great achievement in life, please do your best as your high school career ends…before it’s too late. If you haven’t heard, this incoming class of freshmen is VT’s largest in school history (Last time I checked, the numbers are above 7,100). This means that there literally AREN’T ENOUGH ROOMS ON CAMPUS to house all these students. In fact, one of our larger dorms, O’Shag, is being closed down for the school year due to renovation. VT poorly accepted way too many students, and a result will need to cut this number down…by rescinding offers. For the record, the ideal number for a freshman class is 6,000-6,500.

Did you get a warning letter? If not I would definitely not worry about it.