<p>Here's my list:
Boston College
John Hopkins
<p>I have a 4.1 GPA unweighted</p>
All A's in: Alegbra II Honors, Geometry Honors, Pre-Calc Honors, Lang. and Lit. honors, American Lit. Honors, Brit. Lit Honors, Spanish IV</p>
4s or 5s in: AP Biology, AP Government, AP Spanish, AP English, AP Calc (AB), AP Physics</p>
<p>Extracuricular Activities:
Soccer, Basketball, and Lacrosse (4 years)
Spanish Club, Athletic Club, National Honors Society, School TV program (2 years)
250 Hours of community service
-Hospital work
-Coaching youth basketball</p>
Referee of youth soccer (6 years)</p>
<p>SATs: 2210
Biology: 740
Math: 730</p>
<p>oh btw I'm a white female</p>
<p>You’d need to explain your grading system: 4.1 unweighted. Also the breakdown of your SAT scores.</p>
<p>You’ll be in the running at ALL of those colleges, but you’re not CERTAIN to get in any of them. But I think most people would be shocked if you didn’t get into at least a few of them. The list is great, but you might want to throw in a stone safety or two that would be a great place to go, like Fordham, Boston U., Wisconsin, or Miami of Ohio.</p>
my 4.1 is on a 4.33 scale
SATs: 730 reading 760 math 720 writing</p>
<p>ECs are ok- a little scattered- but ok. Grades stable, SAT strong. Make sure you have an extraordinary essay, as in it would give signs to the reader that you have passion.
Good recs are a must too.</p>
<p>All Ivies for ya are reaches mainly because they’re hard to get to and you’re ECs are a little scattered. Make that essay great. :)</p>
<p>Yale- high reach
Harvard- high reach
Princeton-high reach
Tufts- high match/low reach (not sure though)
Boston College- I’d say a high match/low reach
John Hopkins- reach
<p>I agree with the guy above. You need to apply to at least fordham or Syracuse(biased for these schools though! I’m applying!
) . You could also apply to NYU. In my opinion, you have great chances of getting in at NYU, but that’s just me.</p>
<p>chance me back?</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/912361-chance-me-ivies-other-schools-new-member-here.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/912361-chance-me-ivies-other-schools-new-member-here.html</a></p>
<p>Ehh…SAT score is a little weak. Up to a certain point, higher SAT scores correlate with higher acceptance rates. IMO, the idea of an “SAT threshold” at top schools is a myth–ie, your chances are not equal to someone with a 2400 simply because you have a score >2200.</p>
<p>What’s your rank? Your grading system is atypical.</p>
<p>EC-wise, nothing jumps out, unless your sports teams are particularly competitive. Have you won any state or national awards?</p>
<p>Make sure you add a few match and safety schools, because most of these schools will be huge reaches. You’ll probably have a good chance at BC and Tufts though.</p>