**Chance OK GPA student for IVYs!!!**


<p>White Male
Major: International Relations
First Generation College Student
Private school, sends over a dozen to ivys every year\
Speak 4 languages</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7UW 3.98 W (GPA was a 3.1 Freshman year, and 4.0 since.... family problems freshman year)
School does not rank</p>


<p>SAT II:
World History-770
US History-750

World History: 5
Chemistry: 5
English Literature: 5
US History: 5
(Not a lot of APs at my school)</p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule:
AP Euro
AP French
AP Env. Science
AP English Lit.
Calc Honors</p>

Internship in London, England for a prominent think-tank
Got an article published on Israeli-Iranian relations from the 1950s-present</p>

<p>Captain of Debate team
Qualifier and Competitor-National Debate Quarterfinalist (top-25)
Qualifier and Competitor-State Debate Semifinalist
UC Berkeley Debate Finalist
Santa Clara University Tournament Debate Champion</p>

<p>Founder/President of Fencing Club
Captain of Fencing Team
California State Finalist for Fencing (top-10)</p>

<p>Editor-in-Chief of Newspaper
Co-Founder/ Editor of School's Political Journal
600+ Volunteer Hours (Tutor/Helping Disabled)</p>

<p>On City Mayor's Youth Council</p>

<p>Essays are pretty good, recs will be good; GPA scares me a bit though</p>

<p>All of these schools will know exactly where you rank whether or not your school officially ranks. At any good private school, you’re competing with lots of legacies and other hooked kids who make up a considerable number of those getting into top schools.</p>

<p>There are many considerations. You’re first gen yet attend a private school. If you’re on a full merit scholarship that’s a big plus. If you’re first gen but your family can afford private school don’t expect much of a boost.</p>

<p>You have a decent chance at ivys. Great ECS which could make a great hook for you. I’d say 30-40%.</p>

<p>Chance Back?</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/804723-chances-ed-dartmouth.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/804723-chances-ed-dartmouth.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>National Forensic League is going to look GOOD.</p>

<p>only ones that i think are reaches are princeton and harvard. amazing ECs!!!</p>

<p>bumpity bump bump</p>

<p>You’re ECs and test scores are pretty strong. I say you have a decent shot at Cornell, Brown, and Columbia. Princeton and Harvard are definitely reaches though.</p>

<p>You will have no problem with Columbia, Cornell and Brown since you meet their minimum requirements. Most important you are a full paid student a definite plus. Don’t ask for fin aid that would be a nail in your coffin.</p>