Chance OOS, medium, LAS

<p>Hi, I'm applying OOS and for undecided at LAS. I'm also hispanic.</p>

<p>Location: CA</p>

<p>ACT: 27</p>

<p>AP's: Span- 5 Eng- 4 US History- 3</p>

<p>GPA: 3.36</p>

<p>ECs listed on app: football, track, was in 2 clubs, and work</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: did finances that were really receipts at a family friend's company and also had a job there too</p>

<p>Essays (subject and responses): pretty darn good</p>

<p>Teacher Recs: better than great</p>

<p>Counselor Rec: great</p>

<p>School Type: Private, does not rank</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Hispanic</p>



<p>I think you have a good chance as long as you’re not applying to the B-School or engineering.</p>

<p>Decent chance. I mean OOS and the GPA are gonna hurt you (unless thats an unweighted GPA, and if your school is very, very competitive). ACT is in range, but the low end of it. Being a URM helps quite a bit though. Could go either way. I’d guess you’ll get in but wouldn’t be surprised either way. Good luck.</p>

<p>btw i don’t want to instigate any AA arguments. but, idk if Illinois has AA.</p>

<p>is OOS really that big a deal at UIUC? their admit rate seemed pretty high to me at 71%</p>

<p>where did you get the figure of 71%? My info says more like they admit 10-12% out of state kids. No way is it 30%. I think you are thinking of a different university.</p>

<p>You guys are confusing the figures, I think. Only about 10% of the students are out of state; that’s not the acceptance rate for out of state students.</p>

<p>Yes you are right casual, I did confuse the admit rate with the out of state rate. I guess I was trying to make the point to the GSW Fan poster that the OOS is a big deal at Uof I since they ultimately only enroll 10% out of state students so they cannot admit as many. That was my point. Other schools such as UW-Madison enroll 30% out of state kids so your chances of getting in from out of state tend to be better just by the numbers.</p>

<p>yeah i was talking about the general admit rate was 71% or something. idk what it is for oos, so idk how hard it is.</p>

<p>and oos students matriculating to the school are 10%, so they probably admit more oos than that.</p>

<p>trust me, uiuc admit rate is very misleading. many kids in illinois are aware of the high standards, so most students who dont get a 27+ act and belong in the top 10% of their class don’t bother to apply. i’ve seen this firsthand at my school.</p>

<p>woah, so is illinois tough then? b/c i read on here once that for LAS undecided or w/e as long as you had a 27 or something and around a 3.5 you’re fine.</p>

<p>and do EC’s help me much here?</p>

<p>for las, the middle range is 27-30, so i would hardly say that you’re automatically in with a 27. i have been told my numerous people that as long as your stats fit with the college, you are pretty much in. if you’re on the bubble they will take into account your essays/ecs. because they are a large public uni, they don’t have the time to look at every single application as thoroughly as a smaller uni would. of course as jr526 said before, being an urm helps.</p>

<p>you think i’ll get in though?</p>

<p>p.s. </p>

<p>i do have 75 hours of comm. service over 3 years, and i did get 2 awards. i was a team captain in football and track, and i took summer school classes at a CC</p>

<p>do they accept people based on major?</p>

<p>UIUC has several colleges, and when you apply for freshman admission, you apply to an individual COLLEGE, rather than the university as a whole. Some of the colleges at UIUC are extremely difficult to get admitted to, such as engineering, which recommends a 32ish ACT score and a top 5-10% rank in your class. Aviation, however, is quite easy, admitting several students in the top 50% with ACT scores in the range of 25-27.</p>

<p>If you’re applying undecided to the DGS (division of general studies), I’m pretty sure you’ll get in. It’s not outrageously competitive.</p>

<p>Is UIUC your first choice? If it is, mention that. They will be more inclined to admit you since you’d have to pay that ridiculous OOS tuition. I would’ve gone to UIUC if it weren’t so expensive. =/</p>

<p>i just said i’d feel privileged to go there. </p>

<p>and apparently i’m applying for comp sci at LAS, and if i change the major then i can’t get a decision until feb., so i’m hoping it doesn’t hurt. it shouldn’t, should it?</p>

<p>erghhhhhh… it might hurt a little bit, since what ever college that is in is likely more competitive than DGS.
Since I didn’t go to UIUC, I don’t really know their admission system too well. However, I did find this:</p>


<p>University of Illinois @ Urbana Champaign (extremely competitive)</p>

<p>College ACT Score SAT Score High School Class Rank
ACES 25 - 29 1700 - 2000 80% - 94%
AHS 25 - 29 1660 - 2110 84% - 95%
AVI 25 - 29 1660 - 1940 68% - 91%
BUS 28 - 32 1870 - 2110 91% - 98%
EDU 25 - 29 1670 - 2000 83% - 94%
ENG 30 - 33 1880 - 2140 90% - 98%
FAA 26 - 30 1730 - 2060 77% - 95%
DGS 25 - 30 1770 - 2020 81% - 92%
LAS 27 - 32 1850 - 2120 87% - 97%
COM 27 - 31 1810 - 2070 88% - 97%
Campus 27 - 32 1820 - 2100 85% - 96%</p>


<p>Assuming that comp sci. is a part of LAS, I actually DON’T think you’re going to get in unless you change the college to DGS. If you have to wait until February, so be it. Just go in as DGS, do well, and switch to LAS.
OR go to NIU or ISU or UIC or another similar place and transfer into LAS at UIUC after two years, if you don’t get into UIUC as a freshman.</p>

<p>(I was shocked by the numbers for LAS… I thought they were a LOT lower.)</p>

<p>I hope that helps, and good luck.</p>

<p>PS: If you don’t get into UIUC, there’s always Indiana University. Two very similar schools, and IU is much cheaper.</p>

<p>luckystarboy, that’s exactly the one i was looking for, and in spite of the fact that i get my decision in feb, do you guys think that i’ll get in?</p>