<p>Sorry for being short, let me elaborate a bit more. I'll try to give you as much information as possible, so I'll include details about myself strictly for comparison sake so you can get a feel for what you might be offered. I'm a freshman at LSU by the way.</p>
<p>LSU will be by far your best financial option unless you get a substantial amount of need-based aid at one of the other schools, which not knowing your financial situation I have no idea if they will offer it. </p>
<p>At LSU, you will get your tuition paid for through TOPS. If you were out of state, the Golden Oaks would cover your tuition with your academic record, but you're covered either way. I happen to be out of state. </p>
<p>Now as for the "elite scholarships" I was talking about. </p>
<p>10 students receive full room + board scholarship worth 7300 a year. If you could get an ACT of 33 you would be considered for this award, and with your other credentials your chances are decent. I was fortunate enough to receive one of these awards. I had a 34 ACT, more AP's, slightly lower GPA/class rank, and less EC's. Apparently the writing section is another one of the criteria on this.</p>
<p>The next 90 students with ACT's of 32 or above get a Top 100 scholarship. This is an additional $2000 on top of tuition.</p>
<p>You also will probably get a departmental scholarship. It varies based on your designated major. My particular department offers $4000/year. You're very likely to receive one of these even if your ACT doesn't improve.</p>
<p>LASTLY, if you get either a Top 100 or Chancellor's Alumni (Top 10), you'll have a chance to participate in CFLR. Chancellor's Future Leaders in Research is a program in which undergrad students are paired with a professor and aid in performing research. These opportunities are usually reserved for grad students, so it's a fairly nice perk. Personally, I'm currently working on a team with 2 professor's and a grad student in conducting research in my chosen field. You can earn up to $1550 a year through this, but the pay is just a bonus.</p>
<p>Not to put pressure on you or anything, but bumping that ACT a point or 2 will expand your options if you do decide to stay in-state. It seems ridiculous, but that's the way it is. </p>
<p>If you do plan on going to grad school, it's not a bad idea to go where you can afford comfortably. </p>
<p>You'll also be in the Honors College which means smaller classes, preferable scheduling.</p>
<p>So you're not in bad shape in terms of a back-up option. Best of luck with all your applications. Things will work out.</p>