<p>I moved to FL from NJ 9 months ago, and my cousin, whom I am extremely close with and lives in NJ wants to come here too. We are both in love with UCF, and have always wanted to go to the college together so its our dream to both attend UCF. The problem is that I have relatively better academic scores than her :( I have 28 act 4.3 weighted GPA, and she has a 24 act and has a weighted GPA of 3.55. But she has been extremely active in sports, she's done volleyball, softball, and track all four years in high school, Varsity so maybe that helps. Do you think its possible for her to get into fall? PLEASE HELP US OUT! Thanks!</p>
<p>You’re in for fall!
However-I’m almost positive they’ll have her come in summer term, then fall. Then again, anything can happen:)
Wish you the best of luck!</p>
<p>Ah Thats not ideal, since she wanted to spend her last summer in New Jersey
If she is admitted for summer, do you think she could just take online classes until fall? Thanks for you advice. Ps I’ve been creeping on this forum for a while and I saw how hard you worked to get accepted to Summer, Congrats!!!</p>
<p>Ah, thank you! It might be an option, to take online classes! That would be something to email admission about:) However, if she does get into summer, it’s not bad! She just gets to start the college experience earlier. I do, however, understand where she’s coming from-wanting to spend the summer with friends.</p>
<p>i personally think that you will both be fine . make sure the essay is extremely convincing ! i was accepted for fall with a 4.0 gpa and a 25 ACT , 1100/1640 SAT . in my opinion , you will both be there , for fall , together !</p>