
<p>White male
Top 10 % of class
ACT-27 (probably won't use)
Legacy at GWU-two grandparents, mom, brother who attends
12 varsity letters
4 time varsity soccer player (captain)
4 time varsity indoor track player (captain)
4 time varsity tennis player (3 years at 1st singles, captain)
2 year member of NHS
Over 50 hours of community service
Student Government Day Member
Business Club President (my intended major)
Work as a lifeguard during the summers</p>

<p>you should be ok…try to take sat once more?</p>

<p>ya I’m taking it one more time in october</p>

<p>multiple generation legacy should help out a ton with a great essay</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>

<p>GPA of … 97? Huh?</p>

<p>Multiple legacy… (potentially very) good.</p>

<p>Test scores… ok.</p>

<p>Sports/ECs… good.</p>

<p>Emphasize your sports accomplishments on the app. 50 hours community service? Ever? I did 50 hours of community service or more per month in high school. I wouldn’t include your memberships either. “Everyone” applying to GW is a member of NHS. Focus on the unique about you.</p>

<p>I would somehow highlight the family tradition of GW in the essay or somewhere on the app. Legacy, especially a few family members graduating together at once, makes for a good photo opp and media item during graduation. I’m not saying you’ll “for sure” get in due to legacy, but a family who coughed up $500,000+ for their family members to go to GW counts for something. Money talks. </p>

<p>Write a good essay.</p>

<p>Focus on showing passion for one of your ECs. I wouldn’t call your ECs strong, but they’re ok. Find a way to show passion in the application for the ECs that you do have.</p>

<p>Come up with some unique goal… wanting to major in business is generic. Customize it… maybe you want to create a company that makes water purifiers for Somalia. How did whatever EC or life experience you’ve had make you want to be an entrepreneur?</p>

<p>Thank you for the in-depth answer and the 97 GPA is out of 100 weighted, i don’t know how to convert to 4.0 scale</p>

<p>according to princeton review, a 97 is a 4.0
[GPA</a> Conversion Chart](<a href=“]GPA”>Calculate Your GPA With Our GPA Scale | The Princeton Review).
but i’d check. I say add the NHS! i put that into my application and im pretty sure it didnt hurt. my stats were way lower but I was ED1 and my essays were kind of unique and i did interviews and campus programs and all that. if you have any questions, message me!</p>