
<p>UC GPA: 4.56
Unweighted GPA: 3.75-3.8
Weighted GPA: ~4.62</p>

<p>ACT score - 34</p>

<p>SAT II Scores
-US History: 760
-Biology M: 800
World History :780</p>


<p>-World History
-English Lang & Comp.
-U.S. History
-Government and politics
-English Lit & Comp (Senior year)
- biology
-Human Geography
-Art History
european History

<p>Which college are you applying to?
-Letters and Science</p>

<p>List a few of your most important ECs (a laundry list of 20+ items is not needed)
-on the board that helps draft the health class curricula
-varsity wrestling
-Science National Hornors Society
Mock Trial team
debate team
model UN
student government</p>

<p>What are my chances? thanks</p>



<p>Don’t include things that sound like this on your application. That makes it seem like a laundry list. It’s like saying “hosted the float house for homecoming.”</p>

<p>Otherwise, you have as good of a chance as anyone else if not better. So 7.2% for the Class on 2014? Chance threads mean nothing though, no one will be able to tell you. EVERYONE I know told me I would get in, and I didn’t.</p>

<p>^^You absolutely should have been admitted, Anonymous93. (Talk about weird judgment calls! You have it all going on, plus a rare level of graciousness. I guess admissions people are fallible like the rest of us.) You will be fabulously successful wherever you go. Congratulations on Duke, btw–I see you have been admitted off the waitlist. I think you will thrive and enjoy life there very much: it is a gorgeous place with a similar upbeat, balanced vibe to Stanford’s. Lots of happy (and smart!) campers. : )</p>

<p>Never listen to people who say that you will or will not get in. They can simply offer their opinion that your chance will be above or below the average (which is 7.2%). so for all we know, above average might be 7.3%</p>

<p>(this post is not meant to be analytical, just to make a point)</p>

<p>^ I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have attributed a number/percentage to your chance. I was just trying to make the point that no one can tell you what your “chance” is and your best bet is the overall admit rate - however imperfect a metric it is.</p>

<p>Look, Stanford probably has the most “arbitrary” admissions process out of the elite schools in that it goes out of its way to find “exciting” people for its class. Ya, HYP does this too, but Stanford almost seems to pride itself on admitting fun people. You have simplying outstanding applicants like Anonymous not get in (and then get into all 8 ivies) and then your average joe with a 2000 on his SAT get in because he brings some intangible, odd thing to Stanford that the admissions committee liked. </p>

<p>So, this is the moral of the story. Chance threads for HYPSM, SWA, and Wharton are all just pointless. No one knows your chances, so just apply and hope for the best. I never believed this when i heard this advice last year, but it is right. However, if you just HAVE to get some idea of your chances, look at results threads from past years.</p>

<p>Course rigor and SAT are looking good, but your UW GPA is a bit on the low side. I think it’d be okay though if you go to a competitive school. </p>

<p>Nothing too interesting about the ECs, but being a female wrestler is pretty interesting (I’m going out on a limb here and assuming your name is “Michelle”, but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong). Any chance of getting recruited?</p>