My D received an email regarding the Chancellor’s Scholarship saying the essay questions were listed inconsistently. It seems to be a followup type of email but my D has never received anything regarding the Chancellor’s Scholarship through postal mail or email.
The only scholarship invitation she received via email was for Stamps. It is possible we missed something in the mail?
When will invitations to compete for Chancellor’s Scholarship be emailed or mailed? S was invited to Honors College mid September. Haven’t heard anything since.
From the Pitt website it says they start going out in late October. I think my D got one but we never received anything. If it was sent via postal mail it’s not surprising as the postal service where we live isn’t the best.
@Dolemite, I would encourage you to contact our office. Our processors can look up all of the things that have been send to you in the past. 412-624-7488
Funny. Just called to see if we had missed anything. First response was, “Did you send in your deposit?” No. Then when inquiring about when notifications about potential scholarships or under consideration for a Chancellors scholarship, the representative said S would be notified in January(?). Sounds like miscommunication.
Last year my daughter and others that we know got a Chancellor’s Nomination Scholarships then they had 3 weeks to fill out the Scholarship info/essay and get the Letters of Recommendation sent. The amounts varied. And some get Scholarship Awards that were not Chancellor Nomination so they weren’t eligible to apply. The Stamps Scholarship is for instate only and I believe the stats needed to apply are lower and that did come in an email only. My daughter applied for both of these and another but was not chosen. Keep an eye on the mail as there is a timeline if you are nominated. My daughter is loving everything at PITT and the SSOE.
The envelope arrived today. The letter is dated October 31st They need to do a better job of getting those letters out faster - only 2 weeks left to apply.
Last year my son received his letter inviting him to apply for the Chancellor’s scholarship 11 days after it was mailed. He had to scramble a bit. We live on the west coast, but not exactly in a remote area.
I think they end up with about 10 Chancellor’s scholars, +/-.
And as amandakayak noted, they don’t just invite those with full tuition scholarships, nor do they invite all of the kids that get the full tuition scholarships.
I don’t think I’m articulating well. I’m advising a family hunting for merit money and I’m trying to understand whether a student that only gets offered partial tuition but also gets an invitation to compete for the Chancellors really has a shot at winning the Chancellors. If all the full awards get awarded to those that were offered full tuition initially then may not be worth the effort to compete.
Waiting for some news about scholarships as well. Accepted into honors college and got the GAP, but I really need a scholarship to make it financially feasible compared to other options.
@itsgettingreal17 Chancellor’s is a slim chance at a full ride for all invited to apply - how they choose is based on essays and interviews (if you get that far) - don’t think there ever has been a detailed understanding of what the initial scholarship was before they got awarded to give you that datapt. So, how do you judge whether it’s worth the effort? It’s a got-to-be-in-it-to-win-it lottery.
This from the Pitt Chancellor’s Scholarship website, “Once the Committee meets its goal of 600 nominees, the process will be closed. In recent years, the nomination process was closed by early December.” Unclear if nominees are notified all at one time or throughout the period ending 12/31/16.