Chancellor's Scholarship

<p>Soo, I just put my application into the mailbox. My deadline was Nov. 15, but I figured I'd get it in a day early. So has anyone applied yet? What were your thoughts? I thought the essays were brutal I picked the Philosophy one and the greatest ignorance one. The main one was so vague though! There were like several ways to approach it, yikes. Anyway, I think I had one of the earliest application because I got my application notice really quickly. </p>

<p>Alright, share your thoughts everyone!</p>

<p>Oh, and should we put stats down too? Just to know who we're competing against? Here are mine:
34 ACT
3.89 UW GPA
Moderately good ECs
Dual-enrollment at U of MN
Moderate essays and good recs</p>

<p>why is the deadline 11/15?
i only got the notification that i was eligible yesterday
don’t i have two weeks from when i get the notification?</p>

<p>Yup, that’s why I said that mine was early. I received my notification like Nov. 1, thus my two weeks are up Nov. 15 But anyway, good luck with your app.</p>

<p>ok thx
i’ll post my information
3.67 GPA
2380 SAT
moderately strong recs
i write good essays</p>

34 ACT/2180 SAT (dunno if I’ll report this one)
Decent/Passionate? ECs
Hopefully good essays</p>

<p>anyone know how many typically receive the chancellor’s scholarship? like 10-15?</p>

<p>^ Yeah that’s what it said on the website.</p>

<p>if you are in the honors college are you guaranteed honors housing for all four years?</p>

<p>I believe you are only guaranteed housing for three years. Honors Housing requires application/essay. You can find the application/essay question online. There seems to be more applicants than spaces in honors housing so it is definitely not guaranteed you will get the honors housing.</p>

<p>how competitive is the scholarship? how many people usually apply for this?</p>

<p>I heard that around 600 get invited, and 400 apply for about 15 spots.</p>

<p>This seems like its gonna be near impossible for me to get but Yeah well at least i can’t complain about full tuition right? </p>

<p>I’m 4.0 UW gpa
2180 SAT
Good EC’s
Strong Recs
Poor Essays probably haha they are so hard and the mandatory one is goofy</p>

<p>So I just turned mine today. Those essays were pretty much impossible. :-(</p>

<p>But I was wondering, do any of you guys know how long until we hear if they want to interview us? Also, is this score oriented, or do they actually look at other things??
I’m clueless.</p>

<p>It’s on rolling basis I think. I remember calculating that I should hear somewhere in December since that was like the earliest notifications. But it’s on the webpage for the scholarship.</p>

<p>Oooh, but here’s my question. If we do get an inteview…do we have to pay to fly out there? Or do they pay for it?</p>

<p>4.05 W GPA
IB Diploma candidate
decent EC’s- ton of sports not much service
Haven’t read rec’s. but I think they’re strong…
32 ACT
haven’t written scholarship essays yet, other essay was good
Got into honors college/full tuition scholarship</p>

<p>What is the honors housing like? What dorm is it in? Where would I stay as a freshman? I’m from Minnesota so I really have no idea…</p>

<p>The freshman honors dorm is in Forbes this year. You can check it out at Panther Central. It is bigger than the rooms at Towers but it is a few blocks from Market Central (dining facility at the Towers). At first, son did regret not bothering to apply to it (due to the size of the room/bathroom) but he got over that quick. He loves living at Towers on the SPACE floor. Honors dorm does require an application/essay and there have been more applicants than rooms in the past. Otherwise freshman students are housed all over Pitt but mainly in Towers.</p>

<p>When do students choose their housing? S. is accepted into the honors college, but we have not sent in our money yet. Is that when he gets to choose his housing? How does this work…anyone know? Thanks!</p>

<p>You send in your deposit for your space in the university then you will have to send your deposit for housing. I can’t recall exactly when the application for the honors housing became available though. The current students go through the housing selection process in Feb. & March. Here are some links with info:</p>

<p>[Housing</a> FAQ](<a href=“]Housing”> [Forbes</a> Hall](<a href=“]Forbes”></p>

<p>Thanks MT Nest. that is a really helpful website. I hope that our delay in sending the deposit will not affect his chances at Forbes; it looks like a great dorm. I’m wondering though if the students would like the Towers almost more: it appears to be more in the center of activity, while Forbes looks a bit off by itself. Don’t know. I hope s. has a chance to interview for the chancellors scholarship so we can take a visit to Pitt because we have never been there.</p>

<p>A delay in deposit will have nothing to do with gaining a spot in Forbes. Each student must complete a separate application that will be available later in the spring.</p>

<p>A couple thoughts on Forbes: Those who live in the honors community there embrace the setting and the relationships formed. The distance from Towers may seem like a lot to us adults but it’s not an issue with the students. If Forbes were to have a mini -cafe on site it would be the icing on the cake. Also, no gym on site. The rooms are very big and comfortable. Laundry on each floor is appreciated. My daughter lived there last year and was very happy. Moving in early for honors orientation was a plus.</p>

<p>That being said, the honors students who choose not to apply for Forbes or didn’t get in are equally happy in Towers. Back when my daughter was applying there was many a discussion about the availability of space in Forbes and the pros and cons of living there. Again, the consensus at the end was that everyone was content.</p>