Chances 4 an Intn'l

<p>International Applicant: From Panama</p>

<p>Top National Private HS. GPA: 4.4/5.0 ; Class Rank: 6/52. Fixed rigurous curriculum, no APs or IBs.</p>

<p>SAT: 1220(V:580 M:640) retaking, at least getting a 1280(in all the practices I'm getting around 650 for the Verbal).</p>

<p>SAT II: Writ. 560, Math Ic 640, French 650, Spanish 800.</p>

<p>ECs: Scuba diving, soccer football, 500+ hrs of Com. Service, Debate club, environmental club and miscellaneous cultural activities. I held leadership possitions mostly at all of them. I am too lazy to further on them, basically I am very involved in each however none of them are internationally/nationally ranked.</p>

<p>Wk experience: Network Administrator in a small telecom company, English-Spanish Interpreter for a big American Company, Health Claims adjuster for an important national insurance Co. and webmaster/creative for the events committee of a bar/club.</p>

<p>Essays: I'll try to make them good.</p>

<p>Recomendations: They are good I guess, I could post them if requested.</p>

<p>Schools I am considering:</p>

<p>Middlebury ED2</p>










<p>Connecticut College</p>

<p>Your list is kind of top-heavy right now. What are you planning on majoring in?</p>

<p>Majoring in Economics. Chances at any of the above?</p>

<p>Any further comments?</p>