Chances/admission question

<p>I just found this forum, so I’m posting this here in hopes of more responses. I am almost 17 (Turning 17 this Christmas), and am interested in applying to West Point. I am in the top 10% at a competitive school, maintaining all As until a B this year. I am an Eagle Scout and have gone to Philmont, Northern Tier, and Scuba- serving as SPL, ASPL, and PL (4 times) of my Troop. I am the Business Director of our solar car team, and will likely be the team manager next year. I am going through the process of becoming an Aerospace Scholar and am in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Academy. Also, I got a 204 on my PSAT. I feel I have the leadership and grades necessary for West Point, however I am not in a varsity sport. I went to the high-adventure scout camps listed above and am in the marching band (not hard, I know). However, I maintain a high level of athleticism by running and lifting weights on a regular basis- I’m able to keep pace with my athletics friends whenever we play Ultimate Frisbee and such. I am looking in to a boxing place nearby to do after school, but I do not know if that would help much at this point. I do not know if since I am still athletic and in team competitions (Solar Car and Band), if it would supplement the athletics.</p>

<p>So, my big question is would not being in a sport keep me from getting in? Would the boxing help my chances at this point? Thanks for your help in advance!</p>

<p>Are you a junior? I suggest if so to join an easy sport to pick up. Like cross country (maybe tennis this spring) . Plus it would get you into top notch shape for WP. I did it this year even though I already play baseball.</p>

<p>Yes, I am a Junior. However, all the teams at our school are really competitive. I can’t do Cross Country because it conflicts with my dual credit classes, so I think the boxing club may be the best option since I have more control as to when I go</p>