Chances all around

<p>I'm a junior (female, caucasian) at a well-known college prep school near Chicago.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.71 W, 4.0 UW
ACT: 34 (36R, 33E, 31M, 34S)
SAT: 2140 (750CR, 690M, 700W, 10 essay) I am retaking this in a few weeks. I know that I can get up my math and writing scores.
PSAT: 218, I'm at least commended, if not semi</p>

<p>My school doesn't have class rank but I'd estimate I'm in at least the top 10% out of 300</p>

Frosh--3 honors (3 possible)
Soph--3 honors, 1 AP (Euro--4)
Junior--3 honors, 1 AP
Senior--1 honors, 4 AP
I have to take theology courses which do not count as honors.</p>

student tutor in 2 different tutoring programs, one specifically for writing, one general
volunteer since soph year working with developmentally challenged kids 1-2 times a week
volunteering turned into my job, I now volunteer 2 twice a week, and also work 5 hours a week (at least 20 over the summer)
I played volleyball for my school frosh year, but not soph or junior, I will most likely senior year
Soph and junior year I played on a club volleyball team</p>

<p>I'm interested in studying engineering at Notre Dame, Dartmouth, Penn, Northwestern</p>

<p>your grades and scores are great, but i'd be a little worried about your ECs. I suspect that you have a few more things you do, but you went for brevity instead. it sounds like you know what you want, and sometimes engineering schools are easier to get into than regular colleges (like Tufts' engineering program, for instance).</p>

<p>Engineering schools are easier to get into? I thought engineers generally had higher test scores, etc.?</p>

<p>ECs: My job and volunteer work take up a lot of time (I'm at the center 3 days a week). The writing center tutoring is twice a week and the general tutoring is once a week. I'm planning on joining the JETS/WYSE team at my school next year, and I lector at my church.</p>

<p>I also won a special scholarship for my high school tuition because of my score on the entrance exam.</p>


<p>I also forgot that I will be in NHS (my school only does it for seniors) and I was on a 5 person team that came in 2nd/40 in a popular business case competition.</p>

<p>bump again</p>