<p>I'm a junior (female, caucasian) at a well-known college prep school near Chicago.</p>
<p>GPA: 4.71 W, 4.0 UW
ACT: 34 (36R, 33E, 31M, 34S)
SAT: 2140 (750CR, 690M, 700W, 10 essay) I am retaking this in a few weeks. I know that I can get up my math and writing scores.
PSAT: 218, I'm at least commended, if not semi</p>
<p>My school doesn't have class rank but I'd estimate I'm in at least the top 10% out of 300</p>
Frosh--3 honors (3 possible)
Soph--3 honors, 1 AP (Euro--4)
Junior--3 honors, 1 AP
Senior--1 honors, 4 AP
I have to take theology courses which do not count as honors.</p>
student tutor in 2 different tutoring programs, one specifically for writing, one general
volunteer since soph year working with developmentally challenged kids 1-2 times a week
volunteering turned into my job, I now volunteer 2 twice a week, and also work 5 hours a week (at least 20 over the summer)
I played volleyball for my school frosh year, but not soph or junior, I will most likely senior year
Soph and junior year I played on a club volleyball team</p>
<p>I'm interested in studying engineering at Notre Dame, Dartmouth, Penn, Northwestern</p>